Risingkit [TRYOUT]



3 years, 10 months ago


Song Title

song artist(s)

Name Risingkit
Age 3 ☾
Pronouns She/Her
Sexuality Undiscovered
Status Alive
"This isn't personal." she says, as It's definitely personal.
  • Playing tag
  • Being petty
  • Bantering
  • Hiding in tree holes
  • Having leadership roles
  • Smell of soot
  • Crows
  • Being surrounded or cluttered
  • Crying
  • Being hounded


Once she's settle into the clan Risingkit will begin to show her true personality. The cloak that the quiet and wary kit hid beneath had been taken off, revealing a much more stronger personality. One of the first differences that should be noticed is just how bold Risingkit becomes. From her steps, to the breaths Risingkit acts with surety and certainty. She has no problems speaking up and loud about her thoughts and opinions on anything. Whatever obstacles come her way she will run straight through them! With this in mind, it's a no brainer that being ambitious and goal driven is on brand for Risingkit! She had always been one to aim for higher grounds; one acheivement after the next. The molly sets up goals for herself so she has something to further herself with. You can't stay satisfied only acheiving one thing right? Whatever it is that she has pegged down, her focus becomes unmatched, like an eagle closing in on its prey.

Like any sibling would be, Risingkit is unabashedly protective of them, even more so after their parents' death. She wants to keep the ones she has left safe and sound and doesn't want anyone giving them any trouble. There's not a single level she wouldn't stoop to if it meant that she could defend them and their namesake. This could make her seem confrontational, which she definitely it, but not in a way in which she goes looking for trouble. Whereas others may shy away from or steer clear from situations such as, Risingkit takes these head on with full tenacity at her paws. Challenging and going against the grain against is as easy to her as a fish swimming in water. She can only tolerate so much before she calls it out to the open. She's a problem solver and if there's a problem she's going to handle it. This is just one of the ways she goes about handling them.

Though it can go without saying, Risingkit may not be the person that should be handling every problem that comes up. You see, she does not mince her words at all, it's never really been something that she practiced. That and she obviously don't have the experience to tactfully assess most situations.. Safe to say that she is blunt and indelicate to the max. It's likely that he tactless words will hurt someone and may be of detriment to her as well, but I suppose it's the price she'd have to pay to learn from her ignorance. Though her bluntness implies that she will never sugarcoat or dance around things, always offering her truest insight on whatever it's going to.

Strength [3]
Defense [2]
Medicine [0]
Agility [2]
Charisma [2]
Perception [1]
Gives second chances You have one chance
Half Empty Half Full
Extrovert Introvert
Team Player I'm my own team
Impulsive Prepense
Truth teller Truth Bender

Rising can face confrontations without fear and doesn't try to duck around one if it's inevitable. She is a problem solver first and foremost, with a variety of methods to be used. She is not one for sitting around and playing games if someone tries to play pop goes the weasel. Those who she cares for will see her taking a stand for them in their namesakes at some point in their life.


There's nothing in particular that she does that she can deem as being hobbies. She goes about her day doing whatever she wants, whether that's chatting with family or friends, bothering the nearest warrior or thinking about her future. Perhaps a few friends can introduce her to their hobbies.


Wants her mom and dad back. Wants to be a full family again.. She also wants to get rid of this anger that lies underneath; it tightens and fester in her chest. She doesn't know why it exist but she wishes she could be less angry.


Nobody is at mercy when it comes to her petty ways, siblings included. Rising would like to think that she can control her petty ways, but in all honesty it has become a bigger part of her character. It has enabled her to hold grudges of all kinds, no matter how long they last. It's to be noted that she is known to get her getback when she's able to, which can be at a detriment to her and the others around her.


While not inherently bad, this young cat often tries to be the leader in many situations. She thinks that she could charge forth and guide others correctly and while that can be true, it does give off an air of bossinness or arrogance.


The way that fire roars is intimidating and engulfing, no? Rising could never forget the way the forest was consumed by such a powerful force. The fires were scorching and almost made Rising feel like she was suffocating. Hotter than the summer sun that made her paws feel like like she was dancing on magma rocks. She could never forget the way her parents' figures were swallowed up, indistinguishable in mere seconds.



If there was a line between vividly remembering and everything being a blur... That would accurately describe Risingkit's memory. There's things that she'll never forget, forever imprinted in her mind. For one: Her parents being trapped within the rampaging flames while their kids watch in horror and panic. The way everything took to being burnt and smoked out.. the air tasted foul and dry. The way tears streamed down her face and how her tiny voice screamed and echoed in the vicinity.

These are the things etched into her mind.

...And there are things that she cannot remember for the life of her.. What they were doing prior to the fire's outburst [how did the fire even start?...]? What happened after their parents' passing.. How long were they where they were found AND why were they there?




Blinking her eyes, sentience entered her body once more. The three of them had entered Leaclan's camp under Shrewleaf's guidance. Were they safe? Risingkit passed a glance over to her siblings, an unsure feeling being shared among them. Was this.. their new home? With all these other cats? Will they be safe from the fire foreve rmore? Risingkit kept close to her siblings, being as they were all she had left.



Vivamus vel libero dignissim.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.




Height Average for age
Weight Average for age
Build Lithe and healthy
Features Round and spiky
Fur Texture Short and soft
Designer @ gensugar
Base Color #1
hex code
Base Color #2
hex code
Orange #1
hex code
Orange #2
hex code
Lighter Stripes
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Darker Stripes
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Darkest stripes
hex code
Ears And nose
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hex code

She's as untouched as the first snowfall of winter.


The only accessories she has adorning her is her beautiful pelt.

Additional Notes
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