

Age 264,079 years

Gender Female (she/her)

Height Giant - 53 ft

Astronomy Binary Star

Animal Gazelle

Masterlist Entry #ERU2 - 024


  • (R) One energy gem
  • (R) Three eyes
  • (R) Animal ears & legs
  • (R) Galaxy tail
  • (R) Galaxy ring
  • (R) Ear & shoulder markings
  • (U) Galaxy Legs
  • (U) Complete Heterochromia


Kind Timid Impulsive Emotional Quiet

While she's normally very nervous when around anyone, if someone else needs help or is upset she'll do anything she can to help them. She's very much a people pleaser and this often leads her into jumping into things she wouldn't normally want to do. She otherwise prefers to let others do the talking and is satisfied to attentively listen most of the time.

Gemini cares almost too much about everything and everyone. It's very easy to hurt her feelings, but she's also very forgiving and doesn't hold things against anyone unless they're actively malicious towards her.


  • Interesting trinkets
  • Flowing dresses
  • Plants


  • Gossip
  • Being around a lot of people
  • Sadness


Gemini discovered a love for helping others, dedicating many years to travel and help all she met. She has now created a place that is quiet and welcoming for any who have a need for company, tea, and a listening ear.


While much more calm now, when she was young she was very energetic and flighty. She made very few friends and stayed in one place for only a short time before running off to find somewhere new for any number of reasons. Gemini trusted few and prefered solitude.

One fateful day while running carefree through the plains of a seemingly empty planet, she chanced upon a person, someone who was consumed by sadness unlike any she had ever seen before. Gemini felt torn, wanting to run away, but also a growing need to help this stranger. Seeing them smile despite the tears made her happier than she ever felt was possible. She was filled her with an overwhelming need to help others just like this stranger also overcome their sadness.

Still one to jump from galaxy to galaxy, it was with purpose now. Anyone she met during her travels, she would do all within her power to help them. For many, many years she helped people, but it was growing more tiring with every passing year. Gemini had spent so long helping others that she had taken little time to help herself. It was about time she did so, even if guilt gnawed at her, it was important otherwise she wouldn't be able to help anyone.

Now, Gemini lives on a large planet that she treats as her own garden of sorts, cultivating it and helping it reach it's full potential and beauty. She wants to make it an inviting place for those who visit her for tea and company. While not one who likes a lot of people around, she does enjoy the company she gets and always looks forward to the days others come to see her. She's never lonely, and is able to keep herself from burning out completely while still helping those she's grown to care for, and anyone else who happens by.




Considers her one of her closest friends.