♚ Hector (Logs)





Had a daughter born to him and Lady uwu


Fucked up by the damn predators two more times or so, right after he  manages to get back in shape each time. This time taken to be patched up  again by Phae.

On a lighter note, feels happy to see his son finally coming around  and spending time with the old man in more civil ways. Introduced Aerin  to Sigel and Waldemar some days ago, can't wait to introduce him to  Garai as well once he gets the chance. Also met Garai's baby bean who  turns out to have like.. 4 dads ? apparently. Very happy for and proud  of them, that's a very cute bean yall made (somehow).

That much more excited by Lady's signs of pregnancy, though keeps it  all to himself since he doesn't want to speak too soon. Trying to be attentive and cater to all of her needs so she can be happy n grow fat peacefully.


Some time ago had spent a few brief hours back home with Olga, walked through the town and visited a nearby rural area because she wanted to see the fields. Little did he expect that she'd run off into them, but was relieved when she came back and apparently it was quite a special moment for her. Glad he could provide that. Brought her to a hill overlooking the same fields and got asked some questions about his family before she confessed to loving him, cutting the conversation short due to something she had to do elsewhere. Didn't ask anything and brought her back to the forest, spending several following days on his own, contemplating some things until Olga decided to see him again. Entirely unconvinced that she knew what she was talking about, insisted to resume their conversation and was only told that she meant what she said. Didn't have to explain much to her, seemed she had a clear understanding herself about the fact that her feelings couldn't be reciprocated for reasons other than his family. Was left feeling really strange about the situation, but left it at that and doesn't intent to push her away because of it, rather letting Olya decide how she wants to deal with the situation given her maturity about it and the desire she expressed to continue seeing him in spite of it all. Perhaps a little more self-conscious around her. Still unsure whether to tell Lady about this and the idea alone sort of terrifies him, so keeping that to himself for now...
In the following days found Lady in the forest and learned that she wants another kid... Basically just did it right away and that's that. :)
And finally today, spent some quiet time reminiscing in the spot where Vittani used to have her nest, accompanied by Olya and eventually Aerin. Surprised to see his son, but very glad that he seems to be coming around. Thought he heard some commotion nearby and got up to see, but seemed like it was nothing except for an odd creature nearby that then suddenly came charging at his son, and Hector quickly took after it as a chase ensued. Managed to get the beast to commit to him a few times inbetween chases, trying to keep it from going after anyone else and grabbing onto its ass anytime it tried. Succeeded in fending them off eventually, went to the pond and checked on his son who happened to have a bad wound on his shoulder, while Hector himself had some spines sticking out of him, as well as gashes and cuts that were mostly hidden under his fur. Hector's attempts to tend to his son and comfort him were interrupted by the same creature chasing Kozan, so of course Hector had to jump in, received a lending hand from Jay and Kozan himself, and ended up chasing off the beast once more. Briefly acknowledged the gratitude he received from the others, but was mostly concerned about his son and ended up going home where he was able to properly take care of the boy before taking care of himself. Was even more surprised with Aerin's indirect displays of concern over him as the boy kept hovering around, so eventually let him help with bandaging his own dad, which means they're bonding, right? Stayed with Aerin for the rest of the evening, at least until the side effects kicked in and turned into a pukefest that his son also had to witness. And then they had to tell mom about it...


Doing pretty well despite still struggling to earn acceptance from  his son, treated less favorably than Hector may have hoped while readily  providing everything he can to make Aerin's and Lady's lives better and  more enjoyable. Has given each of them a spare key to his cabin, as  well as a piece of jewelry to serve them as portal keys to his worl, not  wanting either to feel as if they're trapped to live with him. Also  hopes Aerin would leave on his own more often so he can bang Lady  comfortably on the couch. Might seem like that's all they do, but took  Lady on a date to the movies as well! Surprised she's never been to one.

Finds himself frequenting the Forest much more often, especially now  that the Rut has started and he can finally channel some of his pent up  frustrations guilt-free while engaging other competitors in friendly  duels. Had a blast the first half of the event, meeting a bunch of new  faces and welcoming old ones, though has toned down a bit in the  following days. Happy to have spent more time with Phaedra as well as  Lady, and got to know Olga on a more personal level once they finally  found a quiet moment to talk.

In recent days has been chilling more often than not, visited by  family and friends, getting rodeo'd like twice by Garai, much to  everyone's entertainment.


update spanning a few weeks, events in order from latest to newest

Happened to get into some trouble back home and ended up badly  injured, was tossed back into the forest by an unknown force to save him  from getting fucked up completely. Was lucky to be found by Liabrin who  dragged him back to her house, fixed up and nursed him back to health.  Was missing for some time as he didn't want to worry anyone, but  eventually returned to his daily routines once feeling better. 

Reunited with Vahni once again, absolutely glad to see her doing  pretty well despite getting into trouble like she often does. Offered  her some respite back home in the jungle, and gave her permanent access  to the location through one of his oldest pendants, hoping that she'll  find her way there when in need of a safe place to be. Explained the  dynamics of the place and all she needed to know to keep herself and the  island's inhabitants safe from both outsiders and herself, and she  would actually be helping Hector out by hunting those who don't belong.  Win win.

Later set out to obtain a particular enchantment for a piece of  jewelry, though wasn't exactly sure where to look. Decided to enjoy the  small adventure, heading in a direction provided by various sources  found along the way. Met Isla at a coffee shop along the way, could not  accept her offer to make his drink on the house if he wasn't allowed to  return the favor, so ended up strolling through the city after her shift  was over to find a place where he could treat her to a drink as well.  -to be continued lol-

After returning from the trip, visited the forest and spent some  quiet time with Amethyst Siren before joining Garai and some of his  friends. Roughoused with Waldemar in a 100% straight way, eventually  joined by Sig. Settled with them afterwards for a while. Later found  Umay who enjoyed the view of his ass which was very relatable. Had a  staring contest with until she took him on a lil adventure to meet a  fellow cat man. Chilled with them, briefly joined by Sig again.

Found Lady in the forest and was demanded to cuddle her, which  quickly turned into her confessing that she still had some feelings for  him. Even if it wasn't much, it made him admit the same. Absolutely  didn't expect she'd suggest to work on it, but that's what they both  agreed to do. Didn't let on how very happy it made him, but is certainly  more than eager to express his passion when meeting her needs in his  shed where their son can't see them :^)



Besides being under constant stress while juggling his duties, has been doing fairly well and trying to spend as much time as he can with Lady and his son back in the cabin. In spite of Aerin turning him into a scape goat for all of his(Aerin's) frustrations, hasn't given up on trying his best to find ways to spend more time and connect with they boy, often coming up with suggestions for things to do together and taking both Lady and Aerin on hikes into the woods, showing around the city and finding fun things to enjoy there together. Has taken up doing most household chores so that Lady could rest, and gave Aerin a glimpse of his weekend hunting/fishing trips which did not leave a good impression on the boy.

Lacks a good day off from his daily worries, but visits the Forest when he finds some extra time to spare to visit his other half of the family or meet new faces. Came to hang out with the boys and Neira, met Liabrin later and joined her friend (Amethyst Siren) in the birch forest. Met Blue Jay the next day, discussed teeth with her... Hung out with Garai and Sigel afterwards. A social butterfly as of late and probably doesn't realize he needs a bit of a break from his own mind.


Between his old duties and newfound ones, wanted to seek some time for himself and find some peace of mind in the Forest. Had hopes to finally reflect on his feelings and the situation at hand with Lady and their son, but became distracted by the scent of blood that led him to an injured female whom he came to know as Phaedra before quickly taking her home to help. After stopping the bleeding and cleaning the stab wounds, stitched and wrapped bandages around them. Though he instructed the young lady to stay put and rest, she seemed keen on disregarding her own well being and did the exact opposite, worrying Hector that she might eventually undo all his hard work of saving her from a worse fate had he not found her in time. Let her stay out of bed and accompany him in the living area as long as she agreed to sit down and didn't strain herself with a lot of activity. Talked with, didn't mind answering any of her questions even though they were personal, and was pleasantly surprised when she shared equally personal information about herself. Went hunting for dinner and brought back a small wild pig that Phaedra was more than happy to help prepare after Hector had skinned and cleaned it. Brought the pig and the woman down from the tree house to prepare dinner, roasted the pig and made a mango sauce for garnish that his guest seemed to enjoy. Between talking and sharing quiet company with the woman, has actually managed to find fleeting moments of peace before heading back to the tree house for the night.

Both happened to be restless during the night, especially once a thunderstorm hit the area. Didn't bother the woman as she seemed to be enojying it, and managed to fall asleep once the storm had passed. Allowed Phae to change bandages on her own the next morning and in the meantime prepared a fruit salad for breakfast. Found it strange to be complimented on a mere fruit salad but alright, glad he can make her stay at least somewhat enojyable with food. Her wounds were healing fine by the looks of it, so agreed to show her around a bit to keep her distracted. Lowkey actually enjoys having company and didn't want her to leave so soon, but it's not like he can just tell her that. Instead said that he wanted to keep an eye on her to make sure she heals alright. Headed out into the jungle, which happened to be far more stressful than Hector could have anticipated with the woman's energy levels being over the roof and he's pretty sure that that's not all of it. Just wait until she's recovered. Either way, both were careful enough to avoid any accidents and made it safely to an old temple nearby, most of which was now in ruin after being abandonded for decades. Frankly couldn't tell her much about it nor the island's history, though her excitement and curiosity gave Hector some enoucragement to seek answers in the future. Took her to what looked like a man-mane garden behind the temple, though it was overgrown with grass and various wildflowers. Had something like a picnic there and ate some fruit for lunch before heading back once the sun began to set. Made one last stop at a waterfall lake, mostly because Hector needed a shower since he doesn't have one in the tree house, and thought that Phaedra might want to wash herself too. Caught some fish for dinner and spent some time in the company of fireflies, watching the sky change colors overhead until it got dark and they returned to the tree house for the night.

Was invited to Phaedra's world to check whether the guys that stabbed her were still around. Was also shown the barrier that prevented her from entering her own home, which he offered to help with, but isn't sure exactly how yet. Strolled through a local market where the Silverine bought him a new shirt since his old one got ruined when he was patching her up, and overheard a conversation about the kidnapping of another young girl in the nearby woods. Went searching and soon found the three men, the same ones that stabbed Phaedra were now threatening another girl. Didn't think much and just rushed straight for the group, handling two of them before the Netherstorm was able to kill the thrid one with her magic and then distracted one other, which allowed Hector to take care of both men one by one. Beat one man to a pulp while the last one escaped with his life. Made their way back to Phaedra's house where they patched each other up, the event resulting in quietness that felt rather unusual for the woman. While what had happened was nothing out of the ordinary for Hector, the Silverine seemed to be struggling to process her doings. Eventually she burst into yelling with rage to which Hector responded with assurance that she wasn't wrong to have done what she did, and offered comfort in form of a hug that brought the woman to tears. Waited until she cried it out before her staff prepared dinner for them, after which they sat by the fireplace and talked while eating sweets. Since the woman happened to have a collection of instruments, played some songs for her on a guitar in hopes it would lift her spirits a little more. Spent the night, somewhat restless after eating so much sugar and thus noticed when Phaedra sneaked into his bed. Couldn't figure out the reason for it nor why she didn't simply ask for his company, but pretended to be asleep, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. You do you, Phae. Eventually managed to get some rest and returned back to his cabin the following morning with brusing on his face and body, as well as several deeper cuts on his arms and abdomen that have been bandaged.


Has gone on a hunting trip to Scorched Lands along with Garai, Greitai, Neira and Dakari. Accompanied by Fari and, surprisingly, Boss,  but the pair appeared to have other plans and split from the rest of the  group before the hunt even began. As much as the feline feels uncomfortable with the behemoth's presence and intentions, assumes him able to at least protect his granddaughter and return her back to the forest safely.

Though Hector's excitement didn't falter, his abilities were inevitably hindered by the unbearable heat that others had a slightly easier time dealing with. Nonetheless, did what he could and followed up with the group's efforts to track and take down a Wautsin, proud of his great-grandchildren's capabilities, and impressed by Garai's leadership skills. Of course, had to piss of Greitai with his rather clueless attempt at approaching her in a playful manner that could have ended up in his poor ankles getting snapped by the raptoress had she been more determined to do so. Still, thinks she looks kinda hot with a bloody grin.

After his trip, brought home some small trinkets such as a tooth from the Wautsin's skull, as well as some glass-y shards he picked up along the way. Crafted said tooth and one of the shards into a knife for Sigel and left the gift at his den. His return to the Forest was planned to be relaxing, but Lady came along to drop some bombshell news. At first was told about the troubles she was having back in her world, but quickly revealed that she also has a son. Hector's son. Aware of a growing threat to their safety back in Lady's place, quickly suggested they'd move to live in his cabin, at least for a while. Accompanied Lady to her world to gather Aerin and any stuff they wanted to take, and after she had a brief talk with her son about Hector's identity and the plan to leave, was left with the task of basically forcing the boy to come along which put an even taller barrier between their non-existent relationship. In spite of going through an emotional storm without a clear plan ahead to keep him steady, is incredibly grateful for Lady giving him this opportunity and feels determined to do anything and everything he can to fall into the role of a father and get to know his son.