Saranbaatar "Affinity"



3 years, 10 months ago


 Who knew I'd end up with the most pretentious superheroes in the world? 


ENFJ . ambitious . sarcastic

Saranbaatar, who often goes by "Sara" and aliased "Affinity" is a recent initiate to the Avengers' ever-growing team. Coming from Ulanbaatar, Mongolia, Sara was part of an amateur dancing group before being tracked by Hydra and ending up in New York City. A run-in with Sam Wilson led to her protection, and the Avengers decided someone with her powers could be useful to the group - taking her along.

Sara is rather stubborn and headstrong, liking for things to go her way. Though she also has a strong sense of humor, often using sarcasm. She's ambitious, with clear goals she aims to follow - though sometimes life wedges its way into her ideals, causing her conflict inside. She does care for others' wellbeing, however, and aims to help people with her powers - despite the harm they can cause.


  • EDM
  • Vodka
  • Wrestling
  • Summer


  • Hydra
  • High-Tech
  • Bugs
  • Overly-Sugary Sweets


Sara's powers were caused by experimentation with her temporal lobe. She is able to bring forth memories of others upon physical contact, able to see the memories alongside the victim. This causes any emotions from the memories to come up as well, and very negative memories can put the victim in such mental anguish that they are no longer able to attack. The reverse can also happen, however - with positive memories making them feel rejuvenated.

  • Sara can speak Mongolian, Mandarin Chinese, and English fluently.
  • While not physically strong, Sara is quite agile and can easily evade attacks.
  • Out of the Avengers, she is closest with Nat, Janet, and Bucky.


Sara was born in Ulanbaatar, Mongolia in 1995. She had a relatively normal childhood until the death of her father at age 14, upon which she became withdrawn, she and her friends joining a small youth gang in the city. They pulled off rather typical, juvenile stunts - nothing extreme - until she and three other of her friends got the idea to mug a foreign businessman for his passport. Cornered into an alley, he offered the kids something worth more in return - if they followed him to a medical facility nearby, they could have their blood drawn and get paid for it. Being young and money-minded, they followed.

Hydra & Powers

The man ended up being a Hydra agent - he took the three into a Hydra lab where they underwent brain experiments without even realizing it. Their lobes were tampered with - Sara's temporal lobe specifically - and after the procedure they were kept in the labs to be monitored until authorities raided the place. The three kept their new abilities hidden, trying to live out normal lives, though quickly realized that was impossible.

Sara tried to move on, going to university in China and joining an amateur dance group in hopes of getting things back to normal. But it didn't work - Hydra agents tracked her all the way to the United States, up until she had a run-in with Sam Wilson and was taken by the Avengers. It was there that she realized she could use her powers for good as well as have a new sense of protection.


Renke Dietrich [ boyfriend ]

Renke and Sara met at an event held for the Avengers. They hit it off surprisingly well, and eventually started dating - Renke unofficially helping them out whenever he could, though not an official Avenger himself.

Vernon Park [ ex-friend ]

Vernon was one of the other two taken by Hydra with Sara. Although they used to be close, after the incident Vern harshly avoided her and disappeared completely from her contact. Though rumor has it that trouble is being stirred in the Bronx by an individual that sounds awfully similar to Vern...

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