
7 years, 5 months ago


"You're so cute!"

【 Name 】 Hiroto Kurokage 【 Alias 】 N/A
【 Age 】 21 (Age changes as story progresses) 【 D.o.B. 】 N/A
【 Gender 】 Male 【 Sexuality 】 Heterosexual
【 Origin 】 N/A 【 Ethnicity/Race/Species 】 Nogitsune
【 Status 】 N/A 【 Theme 】 N/A
【 Height 】 5"8 【 Build 】 N/A
【 Eyes 】 Gold 【 Skin tone 】 Tan
【 Hair color 】 Black 【 Hair style】 Short-to the nape of his neck, Has two longer front pieces where human ears would be
【 Demeanor 】 Earnest; happy-go-lucky; fun-loving 【 Style 】 N/A
【 Value 】 N/A 【 Designer 】 Kitsune-Ryu-Neko
【 Likes 】
  • Thievery
  • Training/Sparring
  • Spending time with friends or family
  • Watching Movies/T.V. with Ryouko
  • Flirting with people
【 Dislikes 】
  • His father/Certain Elders
  • Wearing shirts
  • Canned vegetables
  • Really cold weather
  • Messy house
【 Charisma 】
【 Empathy 】
【 Patience 】
【 Stamina 】
【 Courage 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Perception 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Humor 】

Hiroto lived with his mother and father in a relatively simple but nice house. He was extremely close to his mother but very distant with his father. At the age of 5, he was sent to Sensei's school to train to be a protector for the Village, leaving him little time to see his mother but ample to follow his father's orders. He did not know what his father wanted, only that it was important to him. They were usually odd requests, like finding out about someone or gaining trust. It made Hiroto feel uneasy. He came to resent his father when his mother went missing and no one knew where she went. The only thing that was said was maybe she ran away. Hiroto had his doubts, and seeing how aggressive his father could be, only came to the conclusion that he must have done something to her. He vowed to get revenge or leave.

Hiroto's personality used to be serious, but when he met Ryouko when he was 8, they became good friends and pretty much inseparable. He allowed himself a chance to smile and laugh more openly around her, sensing she had pressures on herself at the time. After his mother went missing, he became vengeful and fought harder to gain strength to kill his father. Ryouko reminded him of the "Eye for an Eye" law, and worried about him, he came to the conclusion that the only option was to run away. When he graduated Sensei's school (age 15), he said told Ryouko he was leaving. He offered to take her with him, but she refused, and he left. Since leaving and living in human society, he could smile more freely and embraced human ways of living.

He enjoys helping others and stealing from people that annoy him. He learned the language around him and all sorts of technology. No one had any prejudice against his abilities or cursed status, and he took full advantage of it. He made friends, dated many people because that's what humans do, talked to others without fear of status. It was the best.

Hiroto loves to talk to others and being the center of atttention. He's great with words and amusing others. He's kind, caring, and has a heart of gold. But deep down he still fears his father, knowing he is still alive and out there, and he misses the few people he cared about in the Village. He hopes that no one sees his father in him, since he wants to get as far away from him as possible. Ryouko is one of the few that knows he is nothing like him, and tries to get him to see that his fears are unfounded. He appreciates this quality about her and is always patient around her, knowing she has her own troubles. He has no idea what he wants to do in life, other than be the exact opposite of his father.


[ Best Friend ]

Ryouko is Hiroto's best friend. They have a mutual trust in each other and respect the other's abilities. He likes teasing.


[ Friend ]

Benny is Ryouko's younger sister. He treats her like a little sister. He's very protective of her.


[ Friend ]

Mariko is Ryouko's twin sister. She and Hiroto get along well due to their similar personalities, although Mariko is more of a wildcard than Hiroto is.

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