H - Goswhit


Basic Info


$350 (FBBR to Previous owner)*


 "Goose White"; Helmet of King Arthur | 30 | Gos, Ghost, Whit, that guy with tentacles


ConformationArabian x Quarterhorse
GenderNonbinary (He/Him - They/Them)


Being an octopus-based mage, Ghostwit can:

  •  produce ink and venom, 
  •  Produce a neurotoxin from his tentacles (unbenknownst to others) 
  • Make antivenom, antidotes, and antitoxins by coming into contact with other venoms, poisons, and toxins.


  • How Soon Is Now? - The Smiths
  • In The Fade - Queens of the Stone Age


A wraithlike young being who harbors terrible secrets, but a likewise tender heart. A midtier royal with bite to his bark.


[Sedate] [Secretive] [Calculating] [Creative] [Stubborn] [Insecure] [Gentle] [Sardonic] [Weary]

Goswhit is softer than anyone would think, with a heart as warm and malleable as river clay, but also a face as immoveable as stone.


A product of a loveless, ruthless match of minds and clashing wills. It seems he was born a skeptic, having none of the trusting nature believed to be possessed by all innocents. The law of the land was tit for tat, this for that. Life was transactional and everything had a price, as well as someone willing to pay it.  

Offering up little to others past his striking coat, Goswhit moved through his years of Namarast education and then adulthood with relative anonymity, despite the glamor-grasping nature of his many likewise highborn peers. Goswhit wasn't keen to have a spotlight on him, and thus cultivated a persona of a refined, if dull conversationalist. His harmless demeanor and silver tongue ensured none of his social climbing acquaintances would turn him away from a party. And the secrets that came his way proved themselves invaluable. Realizing how much those desperate for power would pay for such knowledge, Goswhit made themselves a quick study in both poison and deceit. He soon became the kept favorite of an aristocrat, to whom he ferried secrets, and grew used to being pampered for lynch-pins avoiding (and causing) high-profile scandal. 

Despite the life of luxury, Goswhit was not content for long. 

To "do something useful" with his magic, the young mage started a small apothecary for antivenoms and poison treatments. 

HTML Profile by Coywolfy