


3 years, 9 months ago


Dustball,also known as Dust or Dustin, is one of many of the experiments that scientists call ”the new animal”, also known as Doots. Doots are small little creatures with  their fluffy mass taking over most of their body, and their human like muscle body claw like legs hidden under their floof. They were originally created as a way to reproduce more animals that were slowly becoming more exctinct, boosting its population. Once a Doot breeds with another animal or human, they are 100% capable of reproducing not only more Doots, but another of the same animal or human. 

Doots are capable of expanding their muscle mass in order to grow and eat larger prey. Unlike the other Doots, Dust wanted to become more human and be more explorative of the world, so he expanded his body until it looked human enough, and broke out of the science lab. 

Since his body form was very complex and was slowly melting down, he decided to wear a fullbody suit to keep his mass stable. Along the way, he learnt to speak English and act “Human”

Dust now lives as a normal person in the real world, acting pretty chill,serious, and smart and learning stuff about human culture along the way. He loves summer time (since Doots thrive on heat) and loves to wear Hawaiian shirts since they’re comfy to wear. 

if Dust somehow were to remove his fullbody suit, he would begin to melt after 6 hours of being exposed (well, unless he’s strong enough to hold it for longer).