


3 years, 9 months ago



"Isn't it wonderful?"
Basic Info

Name Soleil
Age 18
Gender Female
BirthdayMay 1st
Height 5'2" / 157 cm
Weight 115 lbs / 52 kg
Ear Type Deer
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation Florist
S.O. N/A
Species Dainty
Dictionary # MYO 5295
Value $0 USD
Design Notes

  • She is a Dainty, she has hooved deer legs and her stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • Please follow the stocking design to the left of her reference when drawing her!
  • Flowers and butterfly bow in her hair are accessories, but not optional.
  • Please color-pick off her reference!
  • Legwarmers, shovel, and nail polish are optional!

  • Her name is pronounced "Soh-lay-E"!
  • Spends lots of her time tending to flowers and cultivating beautiful blooms. Though she's highly allergic to pollen, she enjoys springtime the most due to the beautiful color it brings.
  • She has a really, really cute gardening set. She hasn't disclosed whether she customized it herself or if she bought it like that, but she's gotten plenty of compliments on it!

Soft spoken, soft hearted, and distant, Soleil is an introvert by definition. She prefers to keep to herself, do her own thing, and recharge from a long day with a nice night in. She tends to come off as forlorn, and though she's not a pessimist, she's not exactly an optimist either. Whatever will be, will be, and she doesn't seem to have an opinion one way or the other on it. While she's not much of a sharer when it comes to her own troubles, she's happy to lend an ear and bear the burdens of others for them. Often, she finds herself more troubled by others' situations than her own, even though in many cases the situations are generally unimportant. An empath by every degree, she feels for others more than she'll ever feel for herself. She prefers to be given direction when it comes to tasks, but she'll take initiative when necessary. Overall, she's a great coworker and acquaintance, but hard to befriend due to her less than present inclination to share herself with others.


  • Spending time outdoors in any weather
  • Reading, especially adventure books
  • Gift giving (and receiving, but mostly giving)

  • Conflict, it's hard for her to choose sides
  • Spicy foods
  • Dark enclosed spaces

Soleil's always been a bit of a lonely person, even if she doesn't quite realize it herself. Throughout her few years of life she's kept to herself, refusing to make meaningful human connections for the most part, instead favoring whatever's captivated her attention for the moment. She's drifted through life going wherever her heart takes her, and not caring about what others think of her has allowed her to be more true to herself at the very least. She's not had lots of life experience, but the experience she has had is uneventful thus far. Maybe one day she'll meet someone who'll make her life more exciting, but for now she's entirely content with how things are panning out.

World Info

Soleil resides in a world very similar to our own, where dainties aren't a rarity but aren't incredibly common either. She lives in a city that, while developed, isn't too loud or crowded as far as cities go, making it a nice choice for those who enjoy spending time outdoors. The city isn't completely crime-free, but it's decently safe to be out alone at night. The weather is usually sunny, so a nice rainy day is a change of pace. Soleil rents a room in a small house on the outskirts of the city, where she tends to a small but vibrant garden in exchange for lodging.


Soleil - travoltaP ft. Kagamine Rin


Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Relationship Type
Mauris in auctor quam. Proin vulputate, nunc laoreet tincidunt varius, nisi nulla aliquam justo, in posuere sapien tortor eu arcu.
Jodi owns the flower shop she works at! She thinks he's very kind, and admires his positive outlook on life.