
3 years, 10 months ago


Name Robert Dollsmith
Age 41
Gender Male
Height 6'1/2"
Build Extremely Strong
Race Robber Barron/Dog Toon
Job Rebellion Member
Orentation Homosexual

Fun Facts

  • He met Sandy and Tom in his teenage years.
  • He used to be apart of Sandy's group until the Glitchlands Incident.
  • He has a bad bad habit of wanting to snatch things.
  • He does have pupils! S..somewhere.
  • His quote is "Why not take the entire store with ya? It's preeeetty easssyyyyy!~".



Rob is just your normal robber baron! He grew bored of making toons go sad, met Sandy and then Tom! He has nice memories of his friends, but can con someone easily, even pickpocket well. He was in the tests for cogs to toons, having a blast once he became something not so bleak! He loves his new look and can be anything he wants without Cashbot HQ getting on him for it! He even was able to start dating Tom, then went onto dating him and well..went on adventures with him and his friends RD, Slash, and Harry! This man won't stop pick pocketing though, hoh boy! .

Though he loves to steal a lot, he does have somewhat of a heart....kinda. He stole Tom's heart! N..not literally, figuratively. He deeply cares about RD and knows after what happened to Sandy that he needed to stay round RD..she can never know about Wallis and he tries his best to stop her from knowing.



  • Diamonds
  • Puzzles
  • RD's Cooking
  • Going In Head First
  • Jellybeans


  • Threats againt RD or Tom
  • Two-Faces
  • Suck-Ups (the cog)
  • Wallis E Disney


Rob is your normal dude, hanging around his friends, having fun, etc. That being said, he's also a huge kleptomaniac. It hurts Tom and RD and he tries his best to stop stealing from places, wanting to do better with life. He has a hard time adapting to change, though joined RD's resistance to not only protect her, but others. He's known RD since she was just a kitten, being someone who used to be best friends with Sandy for she was a great toon back then. Some will say that maybe if you ask him about her, he'd tell...but he would never want RD to know something Sandy didn't want her to.

In the past, he had met Sandy and Tom while those two were on a walk to somewhere. He had no idea where but hey! Friends! Turns out in the end they'd be going to the same highschool, going on adventures as he met Ally, Harry, and Wallis during them. He eventually fell in love with Tom, though he had to surpress it. The feelings never went away, but he knew at the time that Tom had boyfriends and didn't want to get inbetween that and mess it all up.

He currently resides, in love with Tom as he sticks by his side all the time and makes it known he loves him. He keeps RD as safe as possible, though through a little radio incident, had to play things off....though he knew it was Sandy on the other side. He loves to play the violin and someday, as of now, he wants a child and to marry Tom.


Tom Boyfriend (Later On Husband)



RD Friend



Sandy Friend



Wallis E Disney Enemy



Harry Hollywood e



Ally e



Liam e



Slash e



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