
3 years, 9 months ago


7700867?1671435881 Lark

I don't know
how I lost my eye.

who are you?

name lark?
status lost
age ???
species ???

I have no idea.

Who am I? It seems I wrote my name in this journal, more or less. It talks about things that happened that I don't remember and don't get. I am really the one who made this, right?

  • cute stuff
  • flowers
  • red
  • crowds
  • loud noises
  • blood


  • Entry one.
    My name is Lark. Remember that. It's a new name because I don't know my real one. I hope I'll be able to go back to where I came from, I feel like I'm missing something. Like a part of me.
  • Entry five.
    Why do all these villagers need so many things done? It’s kind of annoying. I hate to say it, but I really need the potatoes so I’ll keep helping them anyway.
  • Entry 105.
    They’re not so bad, but… BUT.
  • Entry 300.
    There's always something going on here, but it never gets clearer what my past is. Helping out with things distracts me from my goal which I both like and hate.
  • Entry 673.
    I got new clothes. They're pretty nice.
  • Entry 700.
    I'm getting kind of tired of everything. What's the point?
  • Day 1.
    I guess I lost my memories again. It’s kind of scary, but I’m trying not to think about it. It looks like I tore out some pages, so I’m not getting a clear idea what happened. Did I… do something bad? I don’t think I did. I hope I didn’t. Why did I make it hard for myself? I hope I can find someone soon, something feels off with this place.
  • Day 3.
    I’ve been wandering around in a foreign place for a while now. I don’t really understand what’s going on, but I’m sure I’ll eventually find someone that can tell me where I am. I’ve still not remembered anything since waking up. Nothing seems familiar. I’m starting to worry about my lack of food… I still have enough to last me for a few days but I don’t know what to do. I haven’t seen anyone else, where did they go?
  • Day 5.
    I looked in a river. Something's wrong with it. My eye. It doesn't hurt but why's it like that?

  • figure out where I am
  • find out how to get home
  • figure out who I am
my stuff
  • bag
  • journal
  • some food


part one

"You wake up in the middle of a dirt road. Your head hurts, you don't have any memory of what you were doing before you woke up, and you don't know where you are."

Waking up in a field with only clothes and a bag to your name are not everyday occurrences for an individual. She knows that much despite lacking memories. There’s not much in the bag when she checks, just a prismatic bell. Only when she opens the bag after noticing how heavy it had become was when the young girl realised she had incubated it. The trinket was gone and in its place housed a sleeping prismatic pup.

While getting adjusted to the new world, she and her Dappervolk friend name her after a bird flying by. She adventures the world in an attempt to return to where she came from. She does not intend to stay in whatever place this is, but no leads guide her towards her birthplace. Her only solace is the tranquility the place exudes, along with her newfound companions.

part two

Still the same girl with a missing eye, just in yet another unfamiliar world…

Slowly, gradually, she realises something’s wrong. This is not the same place she was in before. Her mind screams at her that she lost her memories again, but how does that make sense? Either way, the only option is to continue onward, in this strange new world she was unknowingly tossed into. There’s no one here, not her pup (what pup?), not her friends (friends…?), not even people in the distance who’ve never seen her before. She slips a hand under her eyepatch. It’s been like this for a while.

The only thing she knows is the feeling in her weary bones that she must continue. She knows that she can't stop until she remembers who she is and finds a way back to the world she came from. Staying in this place of all places is not an option, there’s nothing to be found here, only echoes of people long gone. This was surely the loudest the world had been since it ended.

part x?x

In a world only we know—
XXXX and Nox had to leave their dying world. Those in high places had given up on saving it and left in first class at the first chance fleeing had opened up to them. Even the veilbeasts were gone. It had been several months of the dreary global news slowly getting worse as it became clear to even the most hopeful that there were no chances left.

The next possible rift was opening up soon. This rift was for those who did not pay for the privilege of leaving the dying world early. The world was still stable enough to not be afraid of everything collapsing as you left, but if one was to miss this, the world-ending level disasters were sure to put an end to your story. The science of the rifts was not completely studied, but there was no time left to test. It was this or nothing at all.

The reason it had even taken this long to open since the last initial one was because the scientists had been busy scraping up the last bits of material for rifts. The early ones were reserved for the most important and the most wealthy. The public had no room to complain with no real power of their own, at least they had a rift open to them at all. So, Nox and XXXX could not miss this. They left the houses they had lived in since they were born and made their way to the centre of the city where the last rift was to open. And when it did, they held hands in the crowd of other soon-to-be refugees and stepped in. And since they stepped in together, they would be with each other on the other side, right?



Nox [ searching ]

Only one of them remembers the relationship they had.


Vertreil [ dead ]

An important person forgotten.