
Basic information:

Name: Louis William Paddington

Nicknames: Lou, Blondy, Goldilocks, Dumbass (this one's used a lot), Demon slayer,  Dumb blonde, Mr.Meshouldersaretoowidetobuttonupmyshirt, Showoff, Big Head, Mr. Ego, Dunce, Bloody idiot, Himbo, Thot, Chad (I call him those three because they're accurate)

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Birthday: February 29th, 1828

Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York

Nationality: American

Occupation: Train Engineer

Likes: Alcohol and good food, generally being a nuisance and getting on people's nerves, sarcasm, hard work, challenging scenarios, helping others, laughing/making others laugh,  Fighting (especially with fists), winning an argument, annoying Amos, his railroad crew (except for Travis), showing off

Dislikes:Fancy clothes, demons, admitting he's wrong, failing to meet expectations, Travis, having his stupidity negatively impacting other people besides himself, being dismissed, aristocrats, upsetting Amos, people picking on Amos

Louis is clairvoyant/clairaudient, meaning that he can see, hear, and speak to spirits


Physical attributes:

• Bright, golden blonde hair

• Hooded brown eyes (with blue ring around the pupil)

• Strong jaw

• Large gash with stitches on the left side of his forehead

• Very broken nose

• Dimples

• Freckles (concentrated on his cheeks, chin, and collar bones)

• Cleft Chin

• Large upper lip (Cupid's bow)

• 6'

• Athletic, muscular build (Extremely barrel- chested and broad-shouldered)

• Long torso

• Covered in burns, scars, and scrapes constantly (Severe burn scares covering most his back, big three ended scar with stiches on his right pec, long deep gash with stitches from his mid right forearm to his elbow, bite scars on left forearm, bite and scratch scars all over his body, usually bandages burnt and ripped up hands and any new wounds)



• Grey wool Captain's cap with black braided cord and gold military eagle buttons keeping it in place, red and blue plaid patch on the left side of the cap

• White button up shirt that's left nearly half unbuttoned because he's a T H O T, tucked into pants

• Dark brown suspenders (large over the shoulder parts, thinner, lighter parts leading to gold clasps)

• High-waisted grey wool fishtail trousers with ripped out knees and rips on the thighs, tucked into boots.

• Gold compass (that used to belong to Amos) kept in his pocket at all times, has the chain of it attached to one of the buttons for his suspenders.

• Dark brown old-timey ankle boots (they also have dumb useless buckles on them, but that's just because I have a pair of boots like this and I love them)



Lou is quite the guy. Standing at 6', this barrel-chested, blonde boy is a ball of charisma, charm, sarcasm, and confidence. He lacks smarts as a whole (but surprisingly knows how to read), but his confidence makes up for it(at least, most of the time. Some people aren't fooled.) He's been on his own for years, so he's found his ways to get whatever he needs with his charm and looks (Everyone loves dimples, right?) , as he hasn't had enough money to afford anything in quite some time. However, he doesn't quite know when to shut his mouth sometimes, getting him into heaps of trouble. He loves getting on Amos' nerves, and will combat anything he says just to be annoying. He loves being an irritating nuisance in a light-hearted kinda way.

   However charming he may be, Lou has a very short fuse, and gets physical very quickly. This street-hardened fighter is quite flippant about his injuries and lacks general self-preservation skills, so he tends to brush off things that really need medical attention. He generally lacks cautiousness and is quite impulsive, so he will charge into any scenario guns (or knife) blazing. He has a very hard time admitting when he's wrong, and will commit to even the stupidest things to try and prove a point. People challenging him fires up his hot-headed nature, and he's not afraid to throw hands.

    Though Lou has an ego bigger than this world, the one thing bigger is his heart. If he beat you in a foot race or in an arm-wrestling contest, he'd never let you forget it. But, if he saved your life, he'd never want to hear about it again. He has strong morals and is stubborn as a mule, so when his mind's made up, good luck changing it. He will fight anyone and anything to protect what he loves and what he believes in. Since he doesn't have any biological family left, he finds his family in other places, and despite no blood connection, Louis loves them and viciously cares for people like he's known them forever. He's very good at being protective and takes many a person under his wing- usually those who are different and don't have anyone or anything. Louis, whether you like it or not, is a friend for life, and he'll never stop annoying you.



   Louis was brought up in a relatively wealthy home in Brooklyn. His father, a war general, allowed the family to live very comfortably, in a nice home. Lou then found himself with a younger brother when he was roughly 5. Him and his brother were absolutely inseparable, and caused mischief together every day. However, in four years time, his mother sadly passed away giving birth to the third child of the family. The baby didn't survive, and his father's death soon followed, and Lou and his brother were sent to an orphanage.

   Now , Lou was tasked with protecting his little brother. He worked day in and day out, acquiring many injuries from the unsafe factories. Despite the hardships, Lou and his brother remained strong, and somehow stayed afloat in the poor conditions.

  The era of comfortability was a short one, however. Lou was thrown out of the orphanage after his younger brother died of smallpox just a few years later, because of his tendency to start fights and generally fiery temper. Left with nothing and no one, Louis lived on the streets in filth, working even harder to try to make enough money to even feed himself. From this point on, Louis is a bit of an ass, and finds himself blaming anyone and everyone besides himself for his problems. He cons his way in and out of rough scenarios and scams those around him for whatever he needs, seeing as his factory worker's salary gives him barely enough to live off of. Even with that, the dumbass that he is wastes every single penny on alcohol and takes "breaks" from work (remember, this is the 1800's) just to spite the owner, as Lou is the only one desperate enough to fill the dangerous position.

   However, a short, curly-headed ginger boy piques his curiosity during one of his breaks, and he befriends the strange, twitchy boy. Sooner or later, the two hesitant "friends" get into a petty argument and go their separate ways.

  A few months later, Lou finds himself waking up to the ghost of the ginger boy, Amos, hovering above his bed. Amos had died on the Oregon Trial, then coming back to Lou after realizing he had been quite rude. After some reconciliation, the boys find themselves friends, and Amos begins to follow Lou around. Louis, however, finds himself seeking help from the local priest, as he wants to help put Amos' soul to rest.

   Long story short, the priest tells Lou that he is clairvoyant. Lou, the dumbass he is, then begins to realize not everyone sees floating dead people 24/7. The two boys, unhappy with how they lived/are living their lives, hatch a plan to help other souls trapped as spirits.

    Louis is now on a bridge between worlds. On one hand, he is a regular guy, who is simply working on the railroad and trying to make a living. On the other, he's a badass, demon-slaying, spirit-freeing clairvoyant with an anxious ghost bonded to him. He is desperately trying to not get the two mixed up, as he doesn't want regular people caught in the mess. However, the his two worlds collide when his past comes back to haunt him and pulls everyone into the fray.


Little Lion Man - Mumford and Sons

I Keep Ticking On - The Harmaleighs

Brother - Kodaline

The Boxer - Mumford and Sons

I'll be Good - Jaymes Young

I Gave You All - Mumford and Sons

The Driver - Bastille

Wake me up - Aviici

The Nights - Aviici

The Anthem of Mr. Dark - The Arcadian Wild