
Does anyone here https://toyhou.se/K-9/characters/folder:2085396 possibly interest you for this beauty? Including the $60 and $50 YCHs!

Feel free to decline! I understand completely, just thought I’d try! <3

Would you consider trades 

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If this babe is ever for sale, I’ll offer $165 for them. 

I will maybe accept your offer just give me a few minutes as I'm waiting on someone to answer me! OwO



You know what I will accept your offer! QwQ 

Could you please private message me so I can give you the PayPal I'm using at the moment!^^


Yep! Though reading the comments it seems you’ve already sent them to CookieDo.

No ,I didn't accept their trade offer so in the same chat they offered for someone else! QwQ

I have an offer of 180 $ for them after you! I could send you the link where I was offering?^6

They offered 180$ for Lillian!


4 Replies

Hey! Do you see anyone in my TH you'd like for them? (Not willing to do anyone in mains/rp characters, but I might do someone in comforts depending on who!)

Hey! The only one I liked and it's of similar value it's Zenith ,and Jessia kinda catched my eye! UwU

I could definitely do Jessia! Would you want to do just her, or would you want me to add on art/etc to the trade? (I sadly wouldn't be willing to do Zenith, sorry!)

No , sorry I wouldn't do Lillian for them! She is worth 102$ and I have full re sell offer but I do prefer trades that's why I'm looking at a bit more offers! ^^

I know! I'm wondering if you'd take Jessia in addition to another offer? (So I could offer her + art/paypal/customs/etc, if it interests you)

Not sure, sowwie! I just kinda like them but I do like Lillian more!💕

14 Replies

Do I have anyone that interests you by chance and I could possibly add on money !

See anyone in my th aside from Noumenon, Luuka, and Rina?

Hey! Cutee ocs but sadly I didn't see anyone I would use more than Lillian sorry!

Thank you very much for your interest and offer! QwQ

No problem, have a great night! 

You as well, thank you for offering! UwU

anyone in my th outside off limits? :o

Hey! You have some cute ocs but sadly I didn't see anyone I would use more than Lillian, sowwie! QwQ

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Hey! It's 75£ (Pounds)not Usd- that are 103$ (USD). The previous owner paid 102$ for them! That's why the designer putted on the ref for what they were sold! QwQ

Hey! They are cute but sadly I didn't see anyone I would use more than Lillian sowwie!💕

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 I didn't see anyone I would use more than Lillian, sowwie! QwQ

And I'm not looking for re sell for now ! Maybe in a month but I prefer trade or mixed offers,or maybe keep them as I like them! Just entertaining offers as I got 2 of their designs and want to see some offers!^^