
3 years, 8 months ago


Name Macy Knight

Nickname Maid-chan

Age Unknown

Orientation Lesbian

Gender Female

Pronouns she/her

Species Human turned Ghoul

Build Chubby

Nationality English

Occupation Head Maid


HTML Pinky

Sweet • Generous • Gullible • Hardworking

Macy is sweet and affectionate with a general mom like attitude especially towards Nikolaï. She met him in the 1950's as she was about to throw her life away. She was struggling with her sexual orientation and after being rejected and bullied by everyone she knew. However Nikolaï offered her a new life, away from everyone, where she could be part of something better. He helped her out of her misery and she joined the mansion as the first maid. She soon became a very close friend and confidant of Niko.

Design Notes

She's a chubby woman with no sharp angles, only round shapes. Her hair is wavy and bouncy and she pins it to the side so it doesn't get too crazy. She either wears her maid uniform or pretty dresses ! She also has a very pale greyish complexion since she turned into a ghoul.


Macy used to be a human but thanks to Nikolaï's blood she turned into a ghoul when she began to work for him. She needs a regular ingestion of Nikolaïs blood in order to maintain her form and withrdrawal can had dire consequences. In this new form she manages to keep her body in the same state as it was when she first drank his blood, as if she was never aging. She also has stronger senses and overall resistance and strength. Not as much as a vampire but higher than a regular human. She also now shares a telepathic link with both Nikolaï and all of the other maid ghouls in the mansion. Like a web of telepathic communication.

  • She owns a small golden bunny named daisy !
  • Nikolaï gave her a pocketwatch as a gift when she accepted to work for him, it's one of her most prized possession
  • She enjoys gardening and takes care of Nikolaï's roses bushes
  • One of her favorite food is scotch eggs
  • ...

NikolaïClose Friend
He basically saved her life. Even though she works for him she doesn't only sees him as her boss. She knows what a lonely little man he is on the inside and loves him like a son. She is to him what Alfred means for Batman.


She developped a crush Acia that she always thought was one sided. Until one day Acia returned her feelings and they got into a mutual relationship and a polyamourous group formed in the mansion