Luna ('Bloodmoon')



3 years, 9 months ago


The devilish side.

She represents Luna's assertive side, coming off as rude and always looking to pick a fight with anyone and everyone. She also represents Luna's anger issues and on extremely rare occasions [REDACTED].


Bloodmoon is a light red ghost with a long tail with a devil tip at the end of it. On the top of her head rests two devil horns. Giving her the overall appearance of a demon or an imp of sorts.


Bloodmoon is known to be the most assertive and aggressive out of the ghostlys. Always antagonizing and pushing Luna around to make her more assertive and strong. She's normally seen as aggravated and annoyed at anything that bothers her and is not afraid to say what she thinks, unlike the others, basically having no filter whatsoever which can make her seem somewhat rude. She will scream and curse at pretty much anything that sets her off. She always hates being wrong and will do anything in her power to see if she's in the right. She will always try to get the upper hand in any type of situation. She tends to get angry, and frustrated over pretty much anything and will express this vocally and sometimes physically. She and Blu are mostly well known for causing mountains of angst and pain among characters. Although, BM does this in a more aggressive and violent way. While people may not know this, she's also Luna's hardworking side, always pushing Luna to keep working no matter what obstacle comes their way. However, this sometimes ends up with Luna being burnt out if pushed too hard. She is not the type to easily get flustered, unlike Neko, in fact, she's the one doing the flustering~


- Out of all the ghostlys, she has the largest chest.
- She does not like to be touched nor pet, unlike Neko. In fact, if you try, she will bite or hit you.
- When angered, her tail will get more wispy and sharp as well as her hair will become more firey, almost as if it's actually on fire.

- BM has a longer tongue than out of all the ghostlys, giving it a sharper and snake-like appearance.
- She can purr. However, never does this around people due to trust issues.
- She can get jump scared easily but will smack you if you do so.


1. Camel by Camel (Instrumental) - Sandy Marton
2. All eyes on me - OR3O
3. Boom Boom Boom Boom - Vengaboys


1. He's a Guy!
Bloodmoon on a daily