Luna ('Blu')



3 years, 8 months ago


The blue side.

'Blu' represents Luna's somber side. Always reminiscing of the past and constantly crying over the littlest things. 


Blu is a light blu ghost with a more droopy body, having the longest and water-like tail. Her hair drooped down to the floor that covers her eyes that have white teardrops as pupils.


Blu is known to be very mopey, shy, and extremely sensitive. Always looking at the sad side of things, always overthinking every little thing, and tends to cry over almost anything. When you first meet her, she's constantly stuttering and apologizing even when it's obviously not her fault, it's a force of habit for her and needs constant reassurance. She's extremely cautious of meeting new people due to past issues. She is not used to receiving affection from anyone. Whether it's hugs, compliments, flirts, or even gifts; Blu would feel guilty and would question why they're doing such things. In her mind, she believes she is not worth anything and doesn't deserve any of it. Considering her past and how much she's been hurt by others, she doesn't understand most forms of affection and would get overwhelmed when given too much at once. She is not used to being around too many people, constantly triggering a fight or flight response inside of her. Especially if it's too loud. When yelled at or if Blu gets insulted, she will go into a panicked state and isolate herself from anyone and everyone if possible, spiraling downwards until the other ghostlys or even Mooni calms her down. She and Bloodmoon are mostly well known for causing mountains of angst and pain amongst characters. Although, Blu does this in a more emotional and relatable way.


- She's a surprisingly good singer.
- When crying, her tears can sometimes come in long, beautiful blue streaks.
- When upset, her hair tends to flow around like water.
- She has the longest hair out of the ghostlys.


1. Eyes Blue like the Atlantic - Sister Prod ft Subvrbs
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
Overwhelmed - Royal & the Serpent
4. Rises the Moon - Liana Flores
5. Leni - Crystal Castles
6. Merry Go Round (Old Piano) - Various Artists 

7. (Mario) and the Music Box Title Theme 8-Bix Remix


1. Bloodmoon on a daily