


3 years, 10 months ago


Name: Ino


Height: 6'2

Build: sculpted, muscular

Species: Fallen Angel (Tainted)

Occupation: Fallen angel lord, Demonic Tainted

Gender: he/him

Orientation: Sirius


Achilles, Come Down

Cosmic Love


Once a fierce angel lord, but lost his faith in humanity after the humans betrayed them by imprisoning his other half, a gaurdian angel called Sirius. In his rage, Ino killed the human who he held responsible for Sirius' fate, and was stripped of his rank and divinity for it. 

He seeks out the countless Radiant blades scattered across the earth, going to whatever lengths it takes to recover each and every one of them in his desire to be reunited with Sirius. Despite his status as a fallen angel, he still retains a sense of justice (however flawed) and holds a distaste for demons and their ilk, and Humans are not much better in his eyes.

Usually has a commanding attitude towards others. His pride is rather easily bruised, a trait that has only grown since he was cast from heaven. Tends to be very taciturn with his words and actions, and rushes into things a bit too much. As a fallen angel who still upholds justice in his own way, he hates when he is associated with demons, and probably had a minor life crisis when the marks of his sins (his horns and tail) started growning in.

he's actually so soft for Sirius tbh, & honestly,,,,who wouldn't be?? Their relationship is very deep, personal, and wholesome as hecc. Their understanding of each others thoughts and emotions is almost instinctive. 

Even after they are reunited, Ino fears that after all the sins that he has committed his touch will corrupt Sirius, and ruin Sirius' chances of breaking the spell that ties him to the Radiant blade and returning to the heavens....even if it means that Ino would be left behind on earth in the end. 

Lifetimes had passed before he finally found Sirius again, the Radiant Blade that held his spirit hung above a fireplace like a prize. Ino merciless ended the bloodline that had held Sirius captive. The pair now roam the earth endlessly seeking a way to break the curse that ties Sirius to the blade.

The diamond emblem embed in his forhead is all that is left of his once-numerous halos. He covers the scars from the removal of his wings with his cape, and If demon wings were to someday re-grow in their place, he would probably cut them off himself tbh.
