


7 years, 3 months ago


Dimarq is comprised of four regions - Nahr, Ra-Hamun, the Emirate of Lashkar, and Telfaz. Each region generally governs itself, though they are technically led by the Grand Council of Nayzanahar (itself led by Halum-en-halai (King of kings) Zafar Makram Kamal al Tamid). Nahr and Ra-Hamun are led by sultans: Masoud Raheem e Nejem in Nahr and Arshad ibn Salim al Javedi in Ra-Hamun. The Emirate of Lashkar is led by five emirs (three princesses, two princes).

Northern Dimarq is quite arid on average, with lush areas surrounding the Ten-Thousand Teeth and the great meltwater lake at its southern end. The region is a massive mercantile hub and exports sugarcane, tobacco, textiles, grypai hide, many types of alcohols, fruits, spices, and a multitude of lesser magical items. Much of the farming is done in the Emirate of Lashkar and southern Telfaz, while textiles and animal goods are sourced from the entire region.

Nahr is almost exclusively desert, but it holds the eastern bank of the Blacksand Canal - the vitally important trade way between the Bay of Ta'abaruq and the Ever-Reaching Sea (Sharukamak-Ret). Through controlling part of the trade way, the otherwise impoverished nation survives.

Ra-Hamun boasts a modest fishing industry and decent enough farmland, but its power and wealth comes from the Port of Khare and the goods and merchants that pass on the Great Trade Way - a paved, lit, and guarded highway - between the port and the city of Medah.

The population is predominantly human, with small elven communities (historically immigrants from other lands or former slaves). Djinn and ifreets are common in any of the large cities, but are most often found in the Emirate of Lashkar. Dragons at one point inhabited the Ten-Thousand Teeth, along with sand-worms in the Telfazen desert, but sightings have all but disappeared. Humanoid dragon-blooded individuals still exist but are a dying breed. Race and/or species-related discrimination is less common than class-based discrimination.

Magic flourishes in Dimarq. Almost every human is capable of some minor trick or cantrip, though this is balanced by the lack of any significant number of truly powerful magisters, mages, or wizards. Djinn and ifreet are more magically powerful just by their nature and typically fill the roles of mages in other countries, but alliances with them are tricky and need to be negotiated with care.