


3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Mihael Gorič




173 cm (5'8")

Personality type

ENFP 7w6




Magnesium is basically a polar opposite of his younger sister Beryllium in terms of personality, with his optimistic, sunny outlook, cheerful disposition, and his trademark bright smile constantly on his face. Even though he's the older sibling, he's ironically the irresponsible one and his sister often has to keep him in line. He rarely takes anything seriously, and his relaxed, laid-back demeanor sometimes causes trouble, due to his habit of just letting things slide and putting off tasks till the very VERY last minute. He's a bit of a trickster too, sometimes a bit of a child with the way he plays around. While he may sometimes get on your nerves with his recklessness though, he's an absolute sweetheart; a great listener, doing his best to help when other elements aren't feeling too upbeat, and great at calming others down. He's the one people go to just to cry on his shoulder, and he often intuitively knows what to do to help by putting himself in another's shoes. While normally annoyingly easygoing, when he's actually really interested in something, Magnesium can be very passionate, with an inner fire that can last a long time. This applies to hobbies and interests, as well as people - when he's determined to figure someone else out or help them in a difficult situation, he can be amazingly persistent, even more so than he would if he were acting in his own interest. When it comes to sorting out his own stuff, he often doesn't want to be a bother and deals with his feelings alone, believing he should be there for others and their issues, not putting his own on them. As a result, most people only know his happy bubbly side and know little of what's under the surface.

Random facts

  He has an interest in fast vehicles of all sorts, car racing in particular, and cycling. Though he can drive, he likes to bike or walk everywhere.
  He's very good with plants and a nature enthusiast in general, in his free time taking care of his garden. He enjoys hikes too, and camping trips, often the one organizing such outings along with his best friend Aluminium.
  Apparently nobody has taught Magnesium not to play with fire. One of his greatest passions are light and fire shows, from fireworks to stuff like this. He generally has strong ties to light, much more content when it's sunny out rather than gloomy and raining.
  He's quite sporty in general and health-conscious too, though chiller than, say, Potassium or Iodine. He's extremely particular about alcohol and smoking though, due to bad experiences with such things. Like, he's not the type to get in anyone's face about most things but is strangely uncompromising with regard to this; if a friend of his drank heavily or something, you bet he'd be pushing them to quit.
  He has a knack for photography, though he's not very useful for documenting events and such, since he mostly just takes pictures of random shrubbery, flowers, birds, and such, rather than what's actually happening around.
  Following his sister's example with food preferences not matching personality (Beryllium's sweet tooth contrasting her not-so-sweet demeanor), Magnesium's tastes go more towards bitter and sour, like black coffee without sugar, dark chocolate, mineral water etc. He's also the weirdo that actually loves broccoli and brussels sprouts.