Gabriel Gomez (Extra Info)



Just some extra info about Gabriel that didn't fit on his main page!ddnl5m0-194fcede-316c-412f-9f39-493c710d


  • His ethnicity is Mexican and his family has always lived there, (his parents being the first generation to move out of the country) and his bloodline can be traced all the way back to the ancient Aztecs. (Not that he is even aware of his family history going SO far back, it's just interesting to note. XD)
  • Raised in a fairly strict Catholic family, but is not very religious at heart. (Not that he would dare let his parents know that!) Especially after being sent to Vietnam and going through what he has, he doesn't believe in much of anything anymore. 
  • After finding out he was drafted he made no attempts to "get out of it" whatsoever, and though he wasn't exactly eager to go on some level he felt as though it was something he was "supposed" to do, and also saw it as a way of avoiding any more conflict with Luca...
  • And truthfully, he had absolutely no plans for what he'd do after high school, so that's another reason he decided to just go for it!
  • He was a fairly average B student in school, always did all the work that was asked of him and only that, never doing any kind of extra credit assignments. He wasn't very good with math, but was fine with English/Literature and such. Reading is quiet and he doesn't need to talk to anyone while he's doing it, so...   


  • Favorite foods: chicken!!   Pretty much any way you can prepare it, he's going to love it, though his absolute favorite thing is orange chicken. :3 (Catch modern-day Gabe eating at Panda Express ALL the time. XD) He will eat other meats & fish as well, but if there's a choice, it's chicken all the way. He's also really fond of tropical fruit (especially pineapples and bananas), fried rice, his mom's tamales (chicken ones ofc), and his beloved cheetohs.   
  • He's not really THAT picky about food and will eat most things, though he IS picky about the preparation, and won't eat it if it's cooked wrong/not to his liking. (For example: he will not eat anything that is even slightly burnt!  )
  • Favorite drink is ofc coffee, and also anything with some caffeine in it (like Coca-Cola), or any kind of fruit juice. He actually probably doesn't drink enough water. :p
  • He likes to be clean and takes showers every day when possible, and usually spends a long time in there, as it's a quiet place where he can think and be alone
  • Of all the places his family has lived Wyoming was his favorite, and he plans to visit again one day
  • He has never driven a car before and doesn't really want to, if he ever gets a vehicle he wants a motorcycle instead

Design Notes, Random Facts, Etc.

  •  In older art his ears aren't as big because I didn't really decide for him to have big ears until more recently  
  • He absolutely does not laugh EVER, and yet he is quite ticklish so...if someone were to try making him laugh that way he would just...snort or something XD
  •  This godawful mess was my first ever attempt at drawing him. IIRC he was originally going to have more in common with Luca personality-wise and even in the way he dresses....thank GOD I decided to go a different way with him instead lmao