🌈 BEA 💬



3 years, 10 months ago


info - about
Nickname(s) N/A
Species Maskeretta
Age 12-13
Pronouns She/They
Orientation Pansexual
Birthday May 30th
Playlist/Board Playlist and Board

Creative, bubbly, and cheerful, Bea is Masky Corp’s “creative genius”. She is also Masky Corp’s youngest member and Masky’s younger sister. Although very friendly, she has a quick temper and often comes off as “unconventional” socially.

Due to her young age and limited worldview, she’s also obviously the most childish of the members. Despite that though, she is far from stupid or naive, unfortunately having to deal with a lot at a young age both in her homelife and Masky’s relationship with Razz later down the line.
docx - story

Bea’s bright, playful personality shines brightest when she’s around the people she loves, and especially Masky, Eon, Luci, and Finn. She tries her best to make her family smile, even if she can be a little bit selfish sometimes…though again that is mainly a factor of her age. She initially had a lot of trouble making friends due to her often very loud and passionate ramblings scaring off most folks, but as Masky began to settle out of their home she found it easier and easier to make and maintain people around her.

Though Bea’s creative nature has always been a part of her, the encouragement for it has not always been as fortunate. Bea and Masky’s upbringing was complicated, to say the least. Maskeretta’s are known for their emphasis on unity, and unfortunately Masky and Bea’s family took that idea as a way to silence any identity within their children, as was common in their town. Bea doesn’t remember it much, but because of Bea’s unconventional demeanor and creativity, she was often scolded and reprimanded by her parents, trying to “change” her to be something more appropriate. Masky was not having that, however. Although she had already considered leaving the town for ages, it was only when Bea was born that she really started to see it was an inevitability if the two wanted to live happily.


So, they ran away. This change wasn’t as easy as expected though, as Masky and Bea quickly found themselves running into trouble time and time again. Since Masky and Bea were still, you know, children, they didn’t have a lot of options to sustain themselves. Eventually, though, at one of these jobs, Masky meets Razz. While a huge deep dive on their relationship is better left for Masky’s profile, all you need to know for Bea’s context in this was that although she wanted to trust Razz given he was Masky’s best friend, she had this lingering feeling something was deeply, truly wrong every time he was around.

This feeling never really shook off, in fact it only got worse with time. Especially as Masky started to disappear more and more with Razz to do…whatever they do at work. Bea also started noticing a change in Masky’s behavior, as she was becoming much more sarcastic, blunt, almost hopeless at times. Although this was never done towards Bea directly, she could tell her sister was slowly losing herself…but she didn’t know what to. Her suspicions led her to investigate (or at least the best a literal 10 year old at the time can do) and try to follow Masky and Razz to keep tabs on what they were up to.

These attempts were mostly futile though, Bea could never really catch anything to confirm her suspicions just from watching them leave and walk around. In fact…they looked fine. Really fine actually, nothing really seemed off at all. She was starting to convince herself she was just being silly, Masky had nothing to hide from her, and Razz was her friend. She was too young to know any better anyways, she just couldn’t keep speculating like this. Feeling guilty from essentially snooping on her sister, she decided she would go do some chores to make up for it in her own mind.

She decided to first get to doing the laundry. To her surprise though, the door was shut tighter than usual. As she walked downstairs, she went about her business…but felt something strange hit her knee as she reached up to grab the deterrent. She looked down to see one of the air vents was oddly loose. She bent over to fix it up…then noticed something off. There looked to be something behind the vent. Confused, she opened it up.

A large sum of money waited for her on the other side.

At first, Bea was confused. Why would Masky keep her earnings here? But as she started counting to see how much there was, well, she started to realize quickly. There were thousands of dollars in there, thousands of dollars they definitely didn’t have before and couldn’t have made otherwise. That’s when things began to set in.

Masky WAS hiding something. And it was something bad.

When Masky got home, Bea was not merciful in interrogating her sister with questions about what on earth this all meant. Masky was shocked, and initially tried to convince Bea it wasn’t what she thought and if she could just explain she would understand. Bea was obviously not having that though, not happy after essentially having this hidden under her nose for god knows how long. Eventually, Masky elaborated and explained everything to Bea. Razz had gotten her into some…criminal business, in an attempt to make ends meet. Although she never “hurt” anyone directly, she was an informant for a lot of bad people.

Her change in behavior was mainly because of Razz’s influence, and the conflict of morality she had begun to feel, now starting to acknowledge the lengths of her actions. Bea finding out was the last straw in trying to get her to escape and gave her a chance to start a positive change in her life. Bea was happy to hear that, but didn’t know if she could even trust Masky on her word for that anymore. Masky reassured her that by tomorrow, she would end things and start to fix everything she had done, she promised. Bea could only hope that she was telling the truth.

And the next day Masky came home, she was practically in shambles, both emotionally and physically. Having had a talk with Razz about her quitting, he lashed out and did his best to hurt her in the worst ways he could, and tried to convince her to stay. Bea initially felt guilty about what had happened, but Masky again reassured her it was essentially her karma for landing herself in this situation in the first place. From that point forward, a lot of work had to be done to avoid the bad people Masky had met, and to make amends with the people she had hurt. Masky began giving back all her criminal money to those affected, trying her best to help as many people as possible to make up for her awful actions as a teen. Bea felt proud to see her sister finally start to become her old self again, and started to trust her once more as well.

Eventually, the two settled in on a city a while away from where this had all gone down. Masky had found a vacant, rundown hotel and bought it out to renovate to use for her new housing with her and Bea. Again, it wasn’t perfect, but it was a start. From that point forward Bea has mended her relationship with Masky since that incident and has found family and acceptance in those around her at Masky Corp. Although she felt outcasted initially, she no longer had to fear that anymore, now having a supportive system to keep her afloat when she needs it most.
Info - trivia

They were originally just a variant of Masky (called Comfort Masky).

I made from a picrew, but then I made them into their own character.

She's based off my younger self and stuff I was into when I was a kid.

Her favorite animals are cats

Like Masky, her current name wasn't always her real name. Before running away, her name was Beatrice Schovajsa

gallery - aesthetic