🧨 FINN ⛅️



2 years, 11 months ago


info - about
Nickname(s) Finny
Species Maskeretta
Age 14-15
Pronouns He/They
Orientation Gay
Birthday March 20th
Playlist/Board Playlist and Board

Stoic and cold, Finn is definitely the most collected of their younger members. He is more prone to listen and watch than be an active participant, and he often acts as the younger members moral compass than going along with whatever he feels in the moment.

Despite being the smile engraved on his face he lacks most emotional expression and often speaks in a deadpan, straight-forward manner. This isn’t a result of boredom or uncaring, however, Finn simply has always had a hard time understanding his own feelings and how to express them to others. Even with his lack of emotional understanding, he tries to maintain peace and keep the mood light, wanting his friends to be happy even at his own cost.
docx - story

Finn, like mentioned before, has a hard time with his emotions. Due to circumstances in his upbringing (which will be brought up again later), he has little knowledge on how to handle how he feels besides repressing everything all together. He presents himself as the most “mature” of the four younger members, which often leads to him not acknowledging his own needs for the favor of others. Although he doesn’t understand his own emotions, he very much tries to for others. Inevitably it has it’s hiccups, but he is known for being understanding and tries his best to help his friends wherever he can. He feels he owe it to them, especially to Masky and Luci who helped carry him throughout the harder times of his life.

Speaking of which, Lucifer is Finn’s best friend. Luci is always able to make Finn smile and laugh with his antics, which is a rare thing for him. They often cause mischief with one another (mainly with Luci taking the lead because of course) but Luci also helps Finn understand himself and the world around him. The clip on horns and tail Finn wears was given to him by Luci, it’s essentially their version of a friendship bracelet. Finn in turn also helped make Luci’s crown…it’s a little messy but it’s got a lot of love in it which is all that matters to him.


CONTENT WARNING: Abuse, Depiction of Attempted Suicide

As most would notice, Finn is a Maskeretta, although he is not a “First Generation” Maskeretta (like Masky or Bea). No, Finn is a part of a different subset of Maskeretta’s known as “The Happy”. Finn was raised on the same belief that identity must be sacrificed for the sake of peace (like most Maskeretta’s), but with more emphasis on the emotional aspect of it all. “The Happy” are known for teaching their people to always force a smile, even in the most horrible situations, even when they are being abused beyond belief. Negative emotions are seen as evil and anyone who goes against the optimism they establish are punished.

You can probably guess from that description alone that Finn’s homelife was not good whatsoever as a child. Finn’s parents constantly berated Finn for establishing his own emotional wants, for expressing or showing anything even slightly out of turn. This led to the constant repression and lack of emotional awareness he has now. Feeling alone his entire life as he was constantly punished for feeling just about anything against what his parents and town wanted, he eventually started to cave into the pressure and contemplated if it was even possible for him to be “fixed”. The constant pressure to conform and replace all his thoughts and feelings with what others wanted began to break him down into a shell of what he was, especially as he started to become a teenager. So, not knowing what else to do, or who to turn to, Finn began thinking about if it was even worth living at all.

On one night, Finn decided to sneak out. Going out towards the train tracks outside his town (the only real connection he had to civilization), he sat and waited for something, someone to come. For hours he sat there, waiting for even the smallest chance to escape his reality and move onto a newer, better life. And eventually, his wish was going to come true, as a train finally was coming that he hoped would finally let him go.

But someone had other plans.

Moments before the train hit, Finn was yanked out of the way by another person. As the train passed, the person grabbing onto him held onto Finn tight, almost shocked themselves at what had just happened. A few minutes passed before the person could collect themselves and ask Finn something he had never really heard before.

“Are you okay?”

Then Finn started to cry.

For the first time in probably ages, tears would not stop gushing out of his eyes. The years and years of torment, of hiding himself, of hiding how he felt, of being what everyone expected him to be came out all at once in that moment. The emotions he had been repressing for ages were finally catching up to him as he could barely keep himself together at the simple, genuine concern someone felt for him. That fact was too much for him to handle, that someone actually wanted to know how he felt…it was scary, but it was also refreshing.

“Woah! Woah, it’s okay- it’s alright-” The person hugged Finn and comforted him. “You don’t have to say anything right now, I’m guessing you’ve already been through a lot-”

Finn weakly nodded as the person helped him up.

“What’s your name, kid?” The person asked.

Finn wiped his tears. “Finn.”

The person smiled. “Well Finn, the name’s Masky, I was here to catch a train but uh…I seemed to have caught you instead-”

Finn didn’t really respond much to Masky’s attempt to lighten the mood.

“...Uh…Well…I was trying to head home, do you have a home to go back to?”

Finn thought, then shook his head.

Masky sighed. “Well I don’t think I could in good conscience leave you out by yourself again…so uh…where should I leave you?”

“I want to go with you.”


“I want to go with you.”

Masky seemed…very confused. “You sure kid?”

Finn looked desperate. “Please. I want to go anywhere but here.”

Masky finally got a good look at Finn’s face, realizing he was a maskeretta like her. Masky couldn’t help but empathize with that feeling, growing up in a similar homelife she could only assume the things he had to see. So, she agreed.

The two sat there, waiting for the train to come back and take Masky home, and bring Finn with her. As they waited Masky tried to make casual conversation, to make Finn feel better and to hopefully find out why he was out here in the first place. It was the first time Finn ever really opened up about what he felt to anyone. When the train finally arrived again and they had arrived home, Masky had partnered Finn up with someone else to bunk beds with. That person was Lucifer.

Luci greeted Finn as he greets just about every new person, with a joke. Luci wasn’t expecting much of a response from the stupid pun he told, but to his surprise, it got Finn laughing, and REALLY laughing. He was hysterical at what most would call a lame excuse for humor. Luci was overjoyed that he was so enthusiastic, although also a little confused. As the two conversed, they eventually began bonding and created the two items they wear for one another (the demon horns/tail for Finn and the crown for Luci) using it as a token for their newly formed friendship.

Since then, Finn has gotten a lot better because shocker, getting away from an abusive homelife in fact, helps a lot in regulating your emotional state! His new friendships with Luci and later Bea and Eon help him learn not only about others, but about himself. Although emotions will always be difficult for Finn, he at least is learning more and more everyday on how to make them more manageable. Even with what seemed like a lifetime of denial and being forced to repress his emotions, Finn had finally found a home worth fighting for, and he would not be giving it up anytime soon.

Info - trivia

He was made on a whim one day for little to no reason at all, he just sort of popped into existence.

His weapon of choice is a bat.

He was based off Everybody Likes You by Lemon Demon and Smile RMX VIP.

He originally functioned as a vent sona, a lot of his "emotionless" aspects of his personality is based off some of my own struggles with relating to/empathizing with others

He would get along well with the Trouble Club from Bewilthred.

His favorite animal is hamsters.

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