


3 years, 10 months ago



Name Vigor
Age 40
Gender Male
Species Headless Souloid
Occupation Knight
Height 3.40m (11.1 feet - w/helmet)
Created in June 13. 2020.


  • Headless knight, ye he has no head bro, but still wears a helmet
  • Very strong but silly guy, many still fear him
  • Yes he can talk, hear and see
  • No he can't eat or drink, doesn't need that to survive luckily
  • Humorous, likes jokes, music and animals
  • Quite placid, solitary and hardworking
  • Likes to surprise or scare people for fun, harmless scares tho
  • Can also create weird ambient noises
  • Mostly hides his friendly and silly side because his king wants others to fear him. So he is very good at being impassive
  • Tho when not around the king, he's gonna be his real self
  • You break the rules, he breaks your spine
  • Very skilled in swordsmanship, hand-to-hand combat and fighting with many other melee weapons
  • Yep he is a very skilled and experienced knight, best knight in his kingdom, but he is more of a follower rather than a leader
  • Likes to travel and get missions to complete. Likes to protect innocent kingdom residents as well and keep streets safe
  • Serves King Huon Oudin (doesn't really like that guy but oh welp)
  • Will secretly not follow king's orders in which king wants him to do something he doesn't approve of, such as killing/sabotaging/hurting someone whos obviously innocent. Bcuz yo, his king sucks.
  • Even tho he does not like his king, he still doesn't wanna stop being a royal knight. Mainly because everyone has huge respects for him and see him as the best knight in the whole kingdom, making all other knights listen to him, which helps a lot when Vigor wants to protect the innocent ones from king's terrible orders.