Will Enam



7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


WillIiam Enam






23 (19 before time cut)




7'10" (7'8" before time cut)








College Student majoring in business, works part time as a server at a restaurant


Kat Enam (Twin Sister), James & Sasha Enam (Fathers), Adrian Micheal Williams (Boyfriend), Azra Rose (Best Friend)


Agility / Speed / Incredible Leg Strength / Pure Positive Mana




 Overall Look

Will is a very handsome young man, he has tan skin with curly, dark brown hair grown out on the right side of his head and the left side being shaved down. Being a cyclops, he has one large eye in the center of his face, right above his short, sharp nose. His iris is dark brown, almost black. He has large bat-like ears with a single black stud piercing on each ear. He is almost always seen with a smile on his face, even his neutral face looks friendly and approachable. He has blunt teeth that is similar to a human's. He is noticeably long and thin, and his legs are toned but his upper body and abdomen aren't nearly as worked on so while he looks skinny, he's actually a little squishy.

After the time cut, he grows a few extra inches, reaching 7'10", and lets the shaved side of his hair start growing out.


Will is a really friendly person but he's a bit of a pushover. He doesn't like confrontation so when he is harassed and he can't just walk away, he usually just lets it happen. He's really good at making friends with just about anyone and he is great at adapting to most social situations. When he's not in class or doing homework he's a really social, goofy guy. Like how Kat is like a mother figure, Will is a brother figure. He is everyone's bro. His love language is words of affirmation and he is comfortable showing his love to any of his friends who will accept it. He is also the most emotional person in his social circle. He is incredibly empathetic and cries just by hearing a sad story, real or fictional. Like his sister, he likes helping people, but since he isn't very strategic, he usually goes for a really basic, straight-to-the-answer solution that works most of the time. He's not that great at thinking ahead and he's always living in the moment, but he's quick to act which leads to him being a little impulsive. He gets nervous very easily and tries to act collected but is just too awkward. He never shows anger and when he does feel it, he keeps it in and acts unbothered. He loves to kill people with kindness. He didn't even realize it, but his lifetime of kindness and purity concentrates his mana with positive energy, making him extremely useful as a supporter and healer. He's cleaner than any angel ever alive.



When William was young he didn't have many friends, considering he and his sister were the only monsters to be born and grow up in the Mirror District. Kat and Will kept to themselves as they believed they were seen as too different to socialize with Glasskin children. Their parents, James and Sasha, did their best to keep them happy even though everywhere they went they were stared at as a majority of Glasskins spend their whole life in the district without seeing a monster child in person, so for most of their childhood, the twins were homeschooled. When Katelyn and William were about 7 years old, James let them come along to his way to work with Sasha ready to take them home after dropping James off. James was a housekeeper for Azra's father. Before James could say goodbye to his kids, Azra got a peek at his children and basically became feral, asking James a million questions, asking if they could play, trying to get a better look, trying to touch them, they were a little freak because Azra has never seen a monster their age. After asking Kat and Will if they'd be OK with having a playdate with his Azra, he asked Azra's father if it would be OK. Azra ended up becoming Will's first real friend who wasn't their sister.

After Kat and Will turned 12, they moved with their fathers to the U.S. They couldn't keep contact with Azra as they had to keep it a secret that they were from the Mirror District, so they just had to spend the rest of their lives like normal kids and hope they'd meet again after Azra turned 18 and could leave the city. After 7 years, Azra suddenly showed up at their college and scolded them for ignoring them after they moved. After following them around all day, it was revealed they spent years trying to find where they had moved to so they could reunite, and Azra left the district early and moved into their town. Now Azra won't leave them alone. Strangely, along with Azra's presence, they unintentionally brought a lot of trouble: jealous exes, psycho stalkers, and racists. Azra was unaware that leaving the district would bring a lot of unwanted attention to both them, Kat and William but they'd rather stick together and deal with it as a group than have Azra move back home and have their trouble follow them.


Enhanced hearing: His ears are like a bat's, able to pick up sound clearly from far distances. If he were to ever go blind, he could use echolocation to avoid obstacles. Even if he is in a crowded room, he is able to differentiate a person's voice speaking to him despite everyone around him talking over them. This can be a strength and one of his biggest weaknesses, as noises too loud or sudden can stun and disable him temporarily. Painfully loud sounds like microphone feedback will force him to stop whatever he is doing to cover his ears and try to get away. If exposed to damaging sounds (gunshots/explosions) too closely, he can go deaf for an hour, to forever. He can even hear dog whistles.

Positive Mana: Having mana that can be used to heal and support others is typically reserved for some fae and angels, but William is so pure-hearted and kind, that his mana is pure positivity concentrated. To be born a species with positive mana is one thing, to earn it while growing up and having it stored up for unselfish reasons is another. His positive mana is stronger than anyone else alive and he doesn't even know it. It isn't until he watches Kat train with Jenny that he learns that, while Kat's mana can manifest for combat, Will's can manifest for healing and can temporarily buff his friends' powers. He doesn't use this ability on his Glasskin friends as they already have self-healing and powerful mana, but Kat seriously relies on him as her mana manipulation can wear her down quickly and she gets into the most fights.

Speed: Unlike Kat, who works out her upper body and does boxing and weight lifting, Will enjoys sports that involve running. In middle and high school, he was in track and played soccer a lot. His punches are pretty weak (still stronger than a human though) but his kicks make his legs and feet deadly weapons. He is the fastest in his whole family and can even outrun Azra and Adrian when he reaches his top speed. He runs fastest when he feels like he is in danger, which happens a lot after returning to the Mirror District.

  Random Facts

  • William is more of a brother to Azra than their actual brother
  • He is good at playing the bass, it's all he knows how to play
  • His legs are far stronger than his arms, his kicks can easily break a human's tibia
  • He is 7 minutes older than Kat
  • His friendship dynamic with Azra is similar to Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova (Azra like Trixie and Will like Katya)
  • Will: Everyone feels bad about the way they look, even Jianu Bennet. Azra: You think? Will: I know! Azra: Well he's not that pretty... Will: *gasps and wheezes*
  • He takes his haircut after his human great-great-grandpa
  • He laughs like a doofus and it's beautiful
  • He is allergic to bee stings and honey so he carries an epi-pen with him for emergencies
  • He is awful at video games but good at rhythm games, especially DDR
  • He looks skinny but his abominable is squishy, not toned
  • He had a pet guinea pet named Sonic
  • Can do a backflip... 60% of the time he lands it
  • Has broken the most bones in the family, with the total being 9
  • He gets really embarrassed when the topic of sex comes up but he likes making jokes about it
  • He is comfortable with nudity as he doesn't find it sexual unless someone makes it sexual, he has seen Azra naked several times and doesn't care
  • He uses social media a lot but never posts anything
  • He really hates Jacky, but doesn't express it out of fear
  • His existence is based on a real person
  • He has a drag persona but he doesn't like talking about it
  • Even though he and Kat are paternal twins, they almost look identical