Kat Enam



7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Katelyn Enam






23 (19 before time cut)




7'10" (7'8" before time cut)






Calm and soothing when she's happy, but her angry voice is terrifying. People commonly mistake her neutral voice for sarcasm.


College student in a midwifery program, works part time at a library


Will Enam (Twin Brother), Azra Rose (Girlfriend), James & Sasha Enam (Fathers), Jacky Brown (Ex-Girlfriend)


High IQ, Enhanced Strength and Hearing, "The Face"





"Before you give up, think of the reason for why you held on for so long"

Overall Look

Kat is a beautiful young woman but she has a resting face that would honestly intimidate anybody. Born a cyclops, she has one eye and her iris is red. She has marks under her eye that resemble long eyelashes. Being AMAB, she had the two marks but after fully transitioning, she had the extra 2 marks tattooed. She was born with albinism so she has pale, blue-tinted skin, white eyelashes, and almost white, blond hair before dying it pastel pink. She has large bat-like ears with triple lobe piercings. Her hair is currently pastel pink and in a pixie cut, with a hair clip on the back of her head. She wears quite the amount of make-up and never goes out without some eyeliner and lipstick. She wears false lashes, lipstick, and a lot of eyeliner (for a cyclops). She has a tongue piercing but it's almost always never visible. Kat is noticeably thin but gains muscle by her early 20's.

In the time cut, she grows a few extra inches, reaching 7'10".


Kat is a very quiet person who keeps to herself. Growing up, she was always antisocial since the people around her treated her more like a spectacle than a person, which led to her and Will being homeschooled. She doesn't like trying to keep up with energetic people or forcing herself to slow down for people to catch up, she goes at her own pace. When meeting new people, she's bad at keeping up a conversation and just sits there while the person who engaged in conversation does all the work talking. She doesn't hate people but she's bad at liking people she doesn't know. Unlike her brother who keeps his negative opinions to himself, Kat has a habit of being brutally honest. She usually won't say mean things and eventually prefers to keep her opinions to herself but she'll think about it really hard. She is quick to anger by little things like when she tries to leave an encounter but won't be left alone. To the few people who are close to Kat, they know under her tough exterior she's actually a sweet person, just really awkward and shy but turns to anger too quickly. Kat is usually the most intelligent person in her small group, and she learned to keep quiet after she would kill the vibe with her logical thinking and lack of awareness when it came to jokes.

When it comes to her family, like her cousins and fathers, she is very kind and friendly to all of them, not just because they're her family but because they all understand each other. When it comes to her twin brother, Will, she used to get annoyed by him quickly. Because of their differing personalities, they constantly butt heads, with Kat beginning their arguments most of the time, or Kat reacting too intensely when Will comments something negative. She loves her brother but her anger issues make it hard to deal with him and his annoying antics, especially when he teams up with Azra. Azra is like a weighted blanket to Kat's anger issues, stabilizing her emotions and stopping her before she loses her temper. Azra is the main light of Kat's life, making her feel like she can open up and get more emotional. Azra helped Kat and Will's relationship and stopped their fighting. When they do fight, it's just over stupid stuff like the question "Is water wet." Kat started showing new emotions after Azra re-entered her life, mostly that she is very passionate about helping people and instead of anger, she now gets embarrassed easily.

   Love Life

Kat was never much of a relationship person when it came to anything other than friendship. When she was 7 and befriended Azra, she felt new feelings for them but was unsure of how to deal with them, so they never got past being best friends, as they were too young. To fill the lonely void in her heart after moving away, she began dating when she was in her senior year of High School and had her first relationship with a girl named Jacky. Jacky was extremely clingy and quite controlling but Kat was too inexperienced to dating to know that she was in an abusive relationship. Despite being the larger person, physically, she was pushed around a lot and the only reason she stayed in the relationship was that Jacky would threaten her whenever she brought up the idea of breaking up. Jacky even went as far as applying to the same university as Kat only because she would be going there. After Azra moved to their town and Kat's void was filled, she told Jacky they needed to take a little break. After Azra saw their relationship, they convinced Kat she could do better and that she was being taken advantage of, so Kat fully broke up with Jacky, telling her that she didn't feel happy about the relationship. Unfortunately, Jacky convinced herself that Azra was a homewrecker. After being reunited for 4 months, they began dating. 


When Kat was young she didn't have many friends, considering they were the only non-Glasskin to be born and grow up in the Mirror District. Kat and Will kept to themselves as they were seen as too different to socialize with Glasskin children. Their parents, James and Sasha, did their best to keep them happy even though everywhere they went they were stared at, as a majority of Glasskin spend their whole life in the district without seeing a monster child in person, so for the first few years of their life, they were homeschooled. When Katelyn and William were about 7 years old, James let them come along to his way to work with Sasha ready to take them home after dropping James off. James was a housekeeper for Azra's father. Before James could say goodbye to his kids, Azra got a peek at his children and basically became feral, asking James a million questions, asking if they could play, trying to get a better look, trying to touch them, they were a little freak because Azra has never seen a monster their age. After asking Kat and Will if they'd be OK with having a playdate with his Azra, he asked Azra's father if it would be OK. Azra ended up becoming Kat's first real friend who wasn't their brother.

After Kat and Will turned 12, they moved with their fathers out of the Mirror District to the U.S. They couldn't keep contact with Azra as they had to keep it a secret that they were from the Mirror District and it would be too much of a risk to try to text or call them so they just had to spend the rest of their life like normal kids and hope they'd meet Azra after they turned 18 and could leave the city. It didn't help that the twins didn't get their first phones until they were 15. After 7 years of being separated, Azra showed up at their university unannounced and was just happy to be there. Kat was the second one to see Azra but only after Azra went through their dorm window and woke her up while she was sleeping. Kat and Will only stayed in their university dorms for a few months until Azra got a townhouse for the 3 of them to live in, mainly because Azra just hated their dorm and lack of privacy.

Strangely, along with Azra's presence, they unintentionally attracted a lot of trouble: jealous exes, crazy cousins, and psycho stalkers. Kat was one of the first to notice this after her ex-girlfriend started stalking Azra and leaving threatening messages for both of them. Most people would just have Azra move back to the Mirror District and be protected from the threats but Azra is unwilling to leave again and Kat is willing to do anything to protect them. A few years after dealing with crazy people, Kat began to work out and was trained to fight under Jenny and use her mana in a technique that has begun to die out. At one point while living in the Mirror District after returning with Azra and Will, she unlocked the ability to manifest her mana as 4 extra arms.


Strength: Being a 7'8" cyclops makes Kat stronger than the average human. The fact that she works out all the time makes her stronger than her twin brother (upper body strength that is). She can lift about 400lb and her punches could knock a grown man's teeth out of his mouth. Kat could be considered a dangerous person but she doesn't use her strength for anything but moving furniture and carrying Azra like a cat. 

Hearing: Her ears are like a bat's, being able to pick up sound clearly from far distances. If she were to ever go blind, she can use echolocation to avoid obstacles. Even if she was in a crowded room, she is able to differentiate a person's voice speaking to her despite everyone around her talking over them. This can be a strength and one of her biggest weaknesses, as noises too loud or sudden can stun and disable her temporarily. Painfully loud sounds like microphone feedback will force her to stop whatever she is doing to cover her ears and try to get away. If exposed to damaging sounds (gunshots/explosions) too closely, she can go deaf from an hour, to forever. She can even hear dog whistles.

The Face: The Face is a mysterious ability passed down the Enam family tree, but not every member can perform it. No one knows how it works, but when someone makes The Face to someone, that person who witnessed it goes stiff as if they just saw a ghost at the end of a dark hall. Someone with enough of a backbone can resist the power of The Face, but most, when faced with it out of nowhere, can't help but give up and surrender. Family members that are known to do The Face: James Enam, Kat Enam. Azra theorized that her family has enough mana to do this but doesn't realize it's a natural ability that comes with it.

Mana Manifestation; Extra Arms: A technique that was popular in certain parts of Asia was manipulating and concentrating a person's mana to make themselves stronger or faster. Kat originally was taught to focus her mana in her arms, making her punches faster and harder. This is a technique Jenny learned as a child and shared with Kat. Her technique evolved when she visited the Mirror District and used her mana manifestation more often. Her mana now manifested as 4 extra arms, giving her 6 arms in total to fight with. This ability is a reference to her original design, back when she had 6 arms.

Anomaly: Katelyn isn't aware of it, but she is an anomaly. While her twin brother, William, was totally normal (was visible on ultrasounds the majority of his development and came out looking like his dads) Katelyn just seemed to show up out of nowhere 3 months into Sasha's pregnancy and he shouldn't have been able to have twins. No one on James or Sasha's side of the family (blood relatives) has ever had twins and the only albino in the family was an ancestor of Sasha's. From a young age, she was always stronger and tougher than Will and always seemed to bounce back from injuries faster than him too. The main sign that she wasn't normal was when she punched Candy in the face and knocked out a tooth. Candy losing a tooth isn't impossible but what was weird is the fact that they didn't regenerate a new one. Kat's mana has anomalous properties that allow her to do serious damage to other anomalies, who are normally invincible to outside forces and other people. Katelyn believes her mana manifestation: extra arms, came from her training, but it's actually a mutation due to being an anomaly. While she isn't as physically strong or tough as Candy, her mana makes her a threat to invincible anomalies like them.

  Random Facts

  • She and William are paternal twins
  • Before she transitioned, her birth-given name was Conner. When exploring her gender, she went by "Connie" before settling with "Katelyn/Kat"
  • She can speak English, Swedish, and a bit of Spanish. She can also do ASL and SSL (American and Swedish Sign Language)
  • She graduated with a nursing major and completed a midwife program at 26
  • Her design was inspired by Lord Boros from One Punch Man
  • She has clear vision, but bad depth perception
  • She is a really deep sleeper and takes at least one, 30-minute nap a day
  • She's a Libra
  • Not that great at driving
  • Has planned on getting more piercings
  • Wants at least 2 kids
  • Got a tongue piercing around the time Azra started living with her
  • Her species live a long time, her great-great-grandpa is still alive, he's 133 (and she took it after his haircut) 
  • She has acrophobia and gymnophobia. Her gymnophobia is her fear of being naked. She doesn't care about seeing others naked, it's Kat herself being naked or seen naked.
  • She showers in a sports bra and bikini bottoms
  • Azra claims she has MILF energy (She does)
  • She's great with computers
  • The hair-clip she always wears was given to her by her grandmother
  • She was originally designed with 6 arms
  • She was designed before William
  • Big gay for short, cute, ladies
  • She feels icky when people cough too close to her
  • Her bust is smaller than it appears. She wears push-up bras with a bunch of padding under her clothes.
  • Her teeth are kind of crooked
  • Her mana is actually stronger than the average person's because she is an anomaly, but she doesn't know this
  • She doesn't trust the Glasskin Queen and hates it when Azra wears the crown
    • She is Jazmine York's niece