
7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:


Other Names:

New Beginnings After Loss, Light at the End of the Tunnel, unknown true name


masc agender (he/they)


many. appears in their early 20s


deity / demigod



Creation Date:

March 10th 2020


A young, lesser-known deity in a large pantheon. Luka stands for the life cycle - how loss of life creates new beginnings from the ashes - and reports to the major deity of death. He works as a reaper, guiding new souls to the afterlife with a gentle hand. To most, he is easily forgotten, but such is the lot of most minor deities. He's used to it.

A dark force has been slowly encroaching upon the land, to a decidedly flippant reaction of the major gods in charge. Luka and a few other minor gods investigate and watch its creep with a deep sense of foreboding, even stooping to begging the council to take action, though to no avail. After the first deity goes missing the gods kick up a panic, trying to rally prayer against it and organizing a defensive force, but they have ignored it for too long and the major pantheon suddenly vanishes just like the rest. 

Luka is one of the few remaining gods and is more than a little bitter: had they just listened he wouldn't have to be the one to save the day. When the others cower in fear, Luka takes it upon himself to pick up his lantern and venture into the darkness to look for help, clues, the other gods - anything. The darkness does not allow Luka to go untouched, either, and quietly begins to infect him too while he runs his desperate rescue missions.

Luka is shy and non-confrontational and comes off as a bit meek, though he much more stubborn and opinionated than he really lets on. As time goes on and the longer he spends wandering the darkness, he becomes crankier and more dismissive of others.

Social Connections

Idris - another god whose company he quite enjoys
Keeper - another minor god

World Context

Lore coming eventually?

> none yet

> WIP trivia <3

> none of note yet

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No design notes yet.
