Silverspeaker ($10/Offer)



3 years, 10 months ago


Only taking money for this OC as one of my friends asked me to sell them for them. Comment with your offer(s).

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Name Silverspeaker
Age 26
Gender Female
Race Dragon, NightWing
Height Unknown- tall
Build Lean and muscular
Role Queen
Demeanor Charismatic


"What do I want? That's very simple... I want it all. No more, no less. I want it all."

Silverspeaker came to power as the second queen of the NightWings, taking over from her mother Soulseer. The NightWings were given an area of the rainforest closer to the shore, where they were free to build their villages and palace, along with their own title as royalty. They slowly built up their cities and towns, establishing their palace close to the coast and keeping mostly to themselves. But things like diplomatic trips and major kingdom decisions still had to be approved by the RainWings, and the NightWings still weren't entirely happy with their settlement. Though they listened to the RainWing royal family, tensions were still building, though peace was mostly kept and formal relationships between the two tribes still held. By the time Silverspeaker came to power, Soulseer had built up the kingdom's influence exponentially fast. The growing city-state was gradually regaining its former glory, and with their expansion came the need for independence. Under Silverspeaker's rule with promises of autonomy, the citizens began to grow restless. Whispers of revolt could be heard across the villages, but nothing has yet come to fruition. Not yet

For now, things are peaceful. The RainWing queen still supervises what goes on in the bordering kingdom, and meetings between the two queens still occur frequently. But the unrest within the kingdom continues to shake its core, and when it will be set off is only a question of time. But in the meantime, facades show that everything is well.


  • Bitter coffee
  • Whiskey
  • Quiet nights alone
  • Researching


  • Diplomatic meetings
  • Animi
  • Parties
  • Arrogant dragons



| Manipulative | Conniving | Cowardly |

Silverspeaker will do anything to get what she wants, even if that involves the downfall of other dragons. She’s not afraid to get her hands dirty but if anything threatens her position of power she will retreat with haste.

| Authoritarian | Sarcastic | Ambitious |

She is strict, but that strictness applies for everyone including herself. Her ambition is never ending and her wit is sharp. She has an intrinsic need to be in control, which is one of the driving factors in her hate of animi.

| Redeemable | Charismatic | Idealistic |

Despite her evil traits, Silverspeaker has the ability to be good. She’s a passionate dragon as well and has shown on multiple occasions that she does have the ability to love. She is charming and gracious and doesn’t go out of her way to be rude to dragons for the most part. She is willing to hear out strangers before making assumptions about them. She believes that dragons are capable of more than just animi and strives to try and better others, though her own ego tends to get in the way of this.


King Softscales and Queen Soulseer came to power over the NightWings with far differing ideologies; Soulseer was power hungry and a politician to be reckoned with, while Softscales was far kinder and focused more on the domestic side of ruling, such as interacting with their subjects. Though they appeared to be polar opposites, Soulseer loved her mate with all her heart, and together they had two sons. But by the time their third egg was laid, Softscales had met an untimely demise by natural means. Heartbroken, Soulseer never had more heirs or took another dragon as king, as none could replace the love of her life

Silverspeaker was born without the positive influence of her father, her older brothers already thrust aside by their overbearing mother. The grief of the king's passing had eaten away at her more and more, increasing her already ruthless nature - and soon, it was focused on her daughter. Silverspeaker was almost immediately exposed to the chaotic world of politics, with dinners, gatherings, and royal meetings nearly every day. Her mother focused all of her energy and attention on Silver, simultaneously preparing her for the crown while using her as an outlet for her anger. The princess grew increasingly hardened year after year, whatever innocence she had as a dragonet stripped away until almost nothing was left but a driving determination. And it all culminated when she finally asked what happened to her father, to which she received the answer that he'd been killed by animi. Whether or not Soulseer believed it herself, that one lie planted a seed for the deep hatred to come.

Silverspeaker endured the harsh life of a rising heir for more years to come, nobles and the public shown a pleasant and joking relationship between herself and her mother. To them, they were the ideal picture of mother and daughter, queen and princess. But behind the scenes, tensions were only growing stronger between the two, and the bond she'd once had with brothers had already long since faded. And soon, Silverspeaker's facade shattered to pieces, no longer able to handle the shadow of her mother - and in a chaotic fight, she struck Soulseer down, now finally silent for good. She told the public her mother had finally lost her senses and lost a duel for the throne, which was generally accepted, though the rift between her and brothers only deepened. Unwavering in her goals and now without anyone in her way, Silverspeaker ascended to the throne.

In the coming years, Silverspeaker would have a quieter and more consistent rule than her mother - but the ambitions of her mother carried through to her daughter. She wanted power and control, and wouldn't be afraid to pull any trick in the book to get it. But first, she had other priorities: that being heirs. Silverspeaker had only two daughters to assure someone would take her place, and few came from her distant brothers. But with their bloodline secured, she could focus on other plans.

A diplomatic trip to the Ice Kingdom cut short proved useful, as her escort was interrupted at the Ice-Sand border near the Sky Kingdom. She witnessed a large fight with a ragtag group of mercenaries against a singular dragon, who appeared to be an Ice-Sky and using moves that should've been impossible - such as blasts and waves of heat. He had just fended the group off as she arrived, though was gravely wounded in the process and didn't want to risk a large healing spell. Deducing he was an animus and initially reacting with disgust, Silverspeaker then saw an opportunity. She offered to have her best healers look after him until recovery, in return for one small enchantment. Though hesitant, the hybrid agreed, preferring to risk something small over a larger portion of his moral center twisting; and he soon introduced himself as Coywolf.

Securing his wounds and bringing him back to the palace in the Night Kingdom, Silverspeaker soon approached him with her request as he neared the end of his recovery. She presented a large rectangular emerald, asking for one simple thing: enchant it so his magic wouldn't work in its clear presence, and he generally would be slightly weakened. Initially wavering, Coywolf eventually agreed, wanting to repay her kindness and thinking it as justified protection if they ever crossed paths again. But Coywolf wouldn't be so easily let go, and Silverspeaker immediately began to present the emerald whenever near him.

Not allowed to leave the palace, Coywolf found himself trapped, considered now the only part of the queen's collection of animi. Though she generally treats him well, her hatred towards animi can bleed through, prompting her to call him things like a monster. He's treated less like a prisoner and more under house arrest, but it doesn't stop Silverspeaker from occasionally channeling her deep-rooted anger onto him.

She seeks to know what creates animus dragons in the first place and what makes them tick, in order to finally eliminate them from the three continents for good - no matter what it may take.



Charisma 70%
Kindness 70%
Temper 70%
Integrity 70%
Courage 70%
Humor 70%


Attack 70%
Defense 70%
Magic 70%
Resistance 70%
Speed 70%
Stamina 70%


Health 70%
Confidence 70%
Intelligence 70%
Manners 70%
Optimism 70%
Luck 70%

Skills & Abilities


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.


Black Glove [ clothing ]

A black glove that fits neatly over her talon. Has no particular effect on anything other than her appearance- she simply enjoys how it looks. It is, however, rumored to be enchanted. These rumors are false.

Emerald [ magical item ]

A large, rectangular emerald that emits a sickly green glow. Has been enchanted by animus "Coywolf" to nullify animus powers and cause animi to feel sick around it. If held directly by an animus it can cause major damage, similar to radiation. Silverspeaker carries it everywhere.

Silver Crown [ clothing ]

The NightWing crown. It is made of twisting silver with red gems embedded in its front. Silverspeaker thought that it was egotistical- an irony that did not escape her.


Empty Inventory Slot




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.