
3 years, 9 months ago



Sugarfloss ✦ male ✦ cheeky cutie



Playful, such as cheeky enough to giggle if someone plays a trick on others or startle them for fun. But hates being scared himself for fun and begins to cry so sweetly that anyone would apologize and hug him to smooth him again.

I am pretty sure he will grow up to a pretty free-spirited floss … Though he might maintain an air of regalia in front of others ... Maybe.


Echo is, despite his look a male Sugarfloss. He is still a kitten, but because of his flavour he will be a bit smaller than other floss someday when he is an adult: Around 122 cm (4feet).

He belongs to a species that have no visible genitalia, even when they are naked there is only thick fur. They also got 4 arms: One set is where humans got theirs and the other set comes from their waists just under their ribs. Their hands and feet are 4 fingered/toed with no visible toe or finger nails. Like all Candyfloss he’s got no nose, but a rounded ridge where it should be and a prominent bottom lip which is light like his butterfly markings. His teeth and set of fangs on either upper side are pure white, while his tongue is surprisingly the same sky blue as his eyes and his blood.

His body is covered in soft, a bit thicker light-oak coloured fur with light rose coloured cheeks; ear, finger and toe tips. He got a white belly, markings in the corner of his eyes and butterfly marking which leaving a trail of little glitter stars behind them. On his forehead thrones his Delta clan Soul Gem and on his back are 3 pairs of wings which are seemed to have the form of green leaves.

Echo’s light blonde hair is mostly bound into a bun, attached with pink roses. Also, his side fringe is bordered with the same flowers in a headband. Showing his wooden horns on both sides of his head. Above flows a halo decorated with roses and a little fairy sign on the other site. It is permanently stuck in a gravitational field and can’t be moved or removed.


Echo belongs to a CS called Candyfloss created by Tenshilove.

  • his daddy
  • his daddy's singing voice
  • moonlight
  • pastries shaped like flowers
  • pretty flowers
  • being outside & large gardens
  • to be scared for fun
  • fire
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...

His father

Daaaa...dy ♪♫





profile html by Hukiolukio