
copied from discord, may be inaccurate to design; but this is the OC concept that birthed the design -

i remembered? an old oc while we were talking about motsume, his name was esme, and he was like, a dude who got possessed? and ended up sewing his own mouth shut, because the demon wouldn't stop talking through it? and like. just. tried so many different ways to make it stop, and eventually settled with? just sewing his fucking lips closed ( only with a needle and some strongstrong fishing line ), and it worked well enough? he could feel the demon, playing on his tongue, trying to get through the bindings, trying to speak. and the reason? he shut it up like that, is because? it wouldn't??? ever stop fucking ruining him? it would say all his deepest darkest thoughts. and esme thought himself a rather kind man? he was mid 20's, working as a barista at some local cafe that his dad had helped pull strings to get him a job ( was previously stuck between employment, had... an issue? where he tended to get in troubles without trying, and got fired ), and he did his best to be nice? thought that that was his true, outward personality! and then the episodes came again, where he was suddenly ruining orders, overfilling cups, burning both his and customer's hands while he spilled coffee on them. and then he started talking. so many horrible, vile thoughts, about the people he served. all petty, pointless things, but they were? jabs, intended?? to kill self esteem? like. if a woman came in with her face all made up pretty, the demon would bitch about how she looked tacky, with her makeup caked on in so many layers that it was starting to make her skin sag worse! and, he got fired, of course he did. and then he had to make it stop? tried tape, at first. and it broke free. a face mask, anything. whatever worked. and nothing did! so. he steeled himself, found some numbing throat spray he learned worked on his face as well, and kept sewing and spraying until he couldn't distinguish the spray from his own blood, and the voice was silent


that worked, for a while? a year or two, i think? and then one morning, he woke up, and there was chattering around him, and a weird chill on his neck

and the demon had? formed a new mouth? right below his jawline? where, if his head was tilted downwards slightly ( and, as a depressed person with these issues, it usually was ), you couldn't see the new mouth at all. just the face mask, where you could only assume a normal mouth hid underneath

so, esme? just. lived, like that, with this voice that wasn't his, babbling all the worst things about people? locked himself away, tried ot make it stop, called for any help he could get? and it just.... nothing worked. eventually he got to the point that he was so tired of hearing the berating of other people that he would just sit in front of a mirror all day, watching as the mouth in his neck rambled on about all his worst thoughts about himself- which, by that time, he already knew about those thoughts.

his story was ??? supposed to be, like.

eventually, he ripped his stitches, and spoke back to the demon? and it was strange, hearing them both speaking, stealing each other words, but he would shoot back positive aspects?

for every negative the demon had, he had five positives lined up?

and. it was supposed to go on like that, until one day, the demon. stopped, for a while, and just listened.

and yeah it ended up being a real fucked up love story between him and the demon BUT, i really liked that oc