Dr. N. Hance (Pre-robot)



Before turning herself into a robot, Rio Hance was an enthusiastic girl looking to become a computer engineer. For her college thesis, she wrote on transferring the human conscience into AI to essentially become immortal, and she worked day and night on extensive blueprints for a potential robotic body that would be operable by a human AI. However, when presenting her thesis, she was laughed at by everyone in the room: her colleagues, her instructors, everyone except her friends. Humiliated, Rio fell into a depression after graduation, mostly keeping to herself but sometimes engaging in risky behavior. However, one day she came across her old blueprints, and was ignited with the determination to prove her thesis. She would engineer herself a robot body and become the AI that inhabits it.

(For worlds that incorporate humans, she is a human. For worlds that are furry-only, she is a toucan.)