
3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Strife Krimeo




Does Not Care


Cares Even Less






December 26







Economic Status

will eat the economy

Mental Health

Im Sorry

Physical Health

Eyes do not open. Vision can switch between infrared and ultraviolet.




Beleivs in God and Hates God


Currently Alive


  • Unlike the other living subjects, strife was an adult when he was abducted by the government facility
  • Started the revolution
  • Can create intense pulses of energy with the palms of his hands, he slaps ur ass ur bones will literally turn to goo
  • NB
  • Can no longer open his eyes, but he can switch his vision from infrared to ultraviolet at will, and sees through his eyelids
  • Used to sleep in a specialized knockout fluid in the facility, and has trouble sleeping since leaving
  • His DNA got fucked with so it basically its itself because of how much energy its trying to concentrate in him, he can now only eat the meat of generically similar people to consistently reconstruct his own DNA, so uh, cannon cannibal OC again challenge

Strife  was a rough and rowdy teen who made it to Top Dog position on the streets, alongside his partner. The facility recognized his immense magical power, and abducted him for research, killing his partner in the process. Strife was biologically rebuilt, and modified into a weapon, becoming Core Subject 7. He is no longer able to open his eyes and see normally, and can switch between seeing in infrared or ultraviolet. His paw pads concentrate and amplify an explosive energy that can be released by slapping then against something, and is powerful enough to destroy building. If strife were to hit a person, it would essentially liquify their insides. While he is extremely strong, he can no longer eat or sleep normally, only being to eat the meat of similar species and actively fuse it with his rapidly-altering DNA, and only able to sleep in a specialized pod that essentially causes a temporary coma. While most of his personal memories were destroyed, he still retains small flashes of the past and knowledge of how the outside world functions.
Strife was lead in convincing Saffire to help him escape, promising her to help provide for all the subjects in the outside world, being the only one with proper knowledge of it. Strife and Saffire lead in the revolt, the facility was destroyed, and four core subjects were able to escape. Strife slapped an ATM to pay for their hotel stay for a time, and became involved in organized crime to provide for them as promised.
Life on the outside was not easy for Strife, but anything was worth freedom. He was a violent and cannibalistic monster, but he also had a family to provide for. No longer having access to the facility's sleep pods, Strife stays awake for days on end, and it noticeably wears on his mental health until he's finally able to sleep, only a few times a month.
Rei was the only core subject who was young enough to go back to school and get at least some normal life experiences, so Strife payed their way to college and Rei moved away from the rest of them.
Strife has been being hunted by a bounty collector called Faerrie, and has been enamored by faer ability to survive the encounters. Faerrie eventually becomes close to Saffire and Mal-Saf to hunt Strife, but actually ends up becoming their friends and eventually even becomes close with strife. The two both definitely try to kill each other, but sometimes they also don't feel like it and bang it out instead.