Basic Info


Demyan Kahpista

Name Meaning

Demyan - The Russian version of the name Damien, meaning "to tame" and can be related to Saint Damien who had a twin brother named Cosmo whom he was martyred with in Syria; Kahpista - A different spelling of the Russian surname, Kapista, that means "Cabbage", so his name could mean "To tame cabbage" (Lol! I just liked how Kapista sounded, so please don't mind the meaning)


"DemDem" (What Lyubi calls him), The Librarian


Unknown (EXTREMELY old, like Aguta and Arjuna, but appears older. Appears to be approximately 30-36 years old)






Lawful Neutral

Personality Highlights

Sagely/Wise | Patient | Strict | "By the Book" | Calm/Collected | Reserved | Kind, but Distant | Headstrong/Stubborn | Knowledgeable | Considers the pursuit of knowledge to be the highest calling | Lecturing | Paternal | Secretive, but more open than Aguta and Atka regarding the past


Librarian of The Crystal Tower | Gate Keeper (guards the dimensional rift between Estaol and other worlds)


Cleric - Knowledge Domain Focus


STR 22 DEX 25 CON 25 INT 26 WIS 30 CHA 26


Lyubi's adopted father/guardian and master, Arjuna and Leiv's half brother, and Aguta and Atka's friend


[Coming Soon]

Acquired Through



Species Cannon Version:

He is a long time friend of Aguta and Atka. The three seem to have a lot of history together and they are all quite knowledgeable in taboo subjects. Unlike Aguta and Atka he is more open about the past because he feels there is nothing to hide and to warn the future generations of mistakes of the past. He claims that it was because of his, Aguta, and Atka's actions that Estaol fell into the frozen era. He comes off superstitious about various things (more to come), and strongly disagrees with pacts made with creatures. He does not speak of why he dislikes pacts but it is rumored that he made one in the past and his pact partner was either killed or placed in suspended animation. None of these theories have been proven. But, this is why Demyan seems to strongly despise Azari for having made a pact with Leshem and especially so because he is an outsider of the world itself.

Due to the fact that Estaol's Gate is typically frozen over, he's not nearly as busy as Arjuna is when it comes to maintaining the order regarding the dimensional rift that separates Estaol from the other worlds.

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