Gabbie's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Linoone Global Rules

 tumblr_inline_pbb21hyg5f1vlgper_1280.gifterms of service tumblr_inline_pbb21omNP41vlgper_500.gif

basic tl;dr :

  • do not resell for more than the character's worth, even if it has extra art
  • do not sell or trade to anyone on the blacklist
  • do not change the design beyond recognition
  • if your design is voided or revoked, you no longer have permission to use it. do not try doing anything with it
  • please ask me if you want to "breed" the design for profit. doing it for story purposes is okay!
  • you have a limit of 10 dollmaker designs you can claim before i tell you to purchase a design ive made, so pick carefully
  • do not use any of my designs, dollmaker or not, for thread games

if you need your permissions changed, or have any other questions, please message me! tumblr_inline_mg16feloB31qdlkyg.gif