Ananas Hummel



3 years, 10 months ago


Ananas Hummel

manipulative . Neutral Evil . Sly . Cunning

Name Ananas Hummel
Called Ananas, Bananas
Gender Male [he/him]
Age 29-30 Years Old
DoB June 20
Sign Gemini
Height 6'7" / 201 cm
Build lean, toned
Nationality German
Occupation Assassin
Personality Type ISTJ-A Logistician
Theme ♫ ♩


  • Dark Spaces
  • Being in control
  • Sharp Objects
  • Punk Style


  • School
  • Emotions
  • Loud/Talkative People
  • Authority


As a kid, Ananas lived with his little brother Kaiser and his two absent parents. Unlike Kaiser, he knew the reasons behind his parents' absence, however that didn't make anything better. Ananas and his parents would often fight and argue, both other their actions and repsonibilities, as well as mundane things such as school or chores. It didn't take much to get the three to argue. In their parents' absence, Ananas took care of and basically raised Kaiser, being left with the responsibity of taking care of a 5 year-old at only 15 years old himself. After 3 years of this, on his 18th birthday, Ananas left home in the middle of the night as part of his plan to claim his independence. This, naturally, wasn't an easy decision, considering he would be leaving his 8 year old little brother on his own.

Ananas' life after leaving his home in Germany consisted of travelling west to explore Western Europe. This travel was on foot and by public transportation, for Ananas didn't have a car to drive. The most he had was a passport to ensure less border issues while travelling. He made his way liesurely through France and to Spain, making many stops along his way for exploration and rest. In Spain, he turned back and started making his way East towards Germany once more, even though he wasn't intending on returning home. In France, however, he was met with an opportunity that changed his course of life.

Given a place to stay, Ananas exchanged services as an assassin to ensure he was able to keep his new home. The target? Stand users. Ananas would be assigned a mission from one of his leaders to take out a described individual, trusting they're a Stand User solely on the assignment. Ananas himself isn't a Stand User. The reason Stand Users are the organization's targets is because the recuits are force-fed the idea that all Stand Users are evil and will use their supernatural abilities to hurt the human population. So, in a sense, the organization has an overall savior complex and self sense of importance.

Around when Ananas is 29 years old, he's suddenly approached by a familiar yet different face; that of his younger brother Kaiser who was now 19 years old. Unlike Kaiser expected, Ananas felt little to no emotion when faced with his brother, and instead found it convenient to promptly give Kaiser his current assignment. Not that he was intimidated by his targets, per se, but instead was lazy and figured Kaiser's loyalty to him would be enough to get the job done no sweat. Once Kaiser left and never returned, he didn't worry about it either, assuming Kaiser did the deed and moved on. Finding later that he didn't, however, led Ananas to feel resentment towards Kaiser simply because Ananas would have to deal with the consequences.



Kaiser Hummel

Younger Brother

Kaiser is 10 years younger than Ananas. As children, they were very close, but after Ananas left the family home at 18 years old, they grew distant. Meeting Ananas after Kaiser was old enough to leave home to find Ananas became an assassin brewed anger and hatred in Kaiser, having his trust in his brother betrayed.



First Roommate; Friends

When Ananas joined the assassins' organization, Hannah was his frist roommate. She was talkative and bubbly, which Ananas rather disliked, but couldn't help but be reminded of his little brother Kaiser, leading them to grow somewhat close. Hannah would go on missions with Ananas and they were a good team, but one day Hannah's concerns about the organization's integrity led to her strange disappearance. It was presumed by Ananas that she was dead.



Second Roommate

After Hannah's disappearance, Daniel was assigned rooms with Ananas as her replacement. Right of the bat, Ananas strongly disliked Daniel, for he was way too talkative, knew no boundaries, and insisted on having it his way. Due to his experience with Hannah, Ananas consistently pushes Daniel away to ensure he doesn't grow close, regardless of how much Daniel acts like Ananas' friend.