Sprocket McKormic



3 years, 10 months ago


A teleporter repairman who lives under the surface of the planet  Mysoteria, in a mining colony that was stranded after a corporate  takeover. Sprocket is a second-generation miner, meaning he was born and raised in the colony under incredibly dangerous conditions. He's never seen Earth -- or the sky.

Sprocket lives in Mysoteria's   transportation hub, where he maintains the various machines by himself   and generally tries not to talk to anyone if he can avoid it. While  he's in his element, you'll find that he's usually pretty calm (and even  a little snarky). But the thought of stepping outside the hub makes his   gut churn. And who can blame him? The tunnels of Mysoteria are dark  and  filled with alien creatures, toxic mushroom spores, and abandoned   malfunctioning mining equipment. Not to mention the high chance of   cave-in or flooding.

Sprocket is not terribly good at catching   sarcasm and understanding subtle social cues. He tends to assume people are perfectly happy, unless they explicitly state otherwise. This often causes friction between him and the other, more hot-blooded colony members.

Learn more about a younger (and more optimistic) version of him in Tech Support.