Sprocket McKormic (Aftermath AU)



4 years, 1 month ago


(Modern-day AU, where supervillains and superheroes are a part of daily life. Sprocket himself is a civilian mechanic who has superpowers that malfunction more often than not. Sprocket is a shut-in, believing himself a hazard to everyone around him and himself. He's not wrong. He has a body count.

While he tries to keep on top of the strange happenings in his hometown, the paranoia of knowing that half the town could kill him if they wanted to has made him far more aggressive and standoffish than usual. He can usually be found minding his own business at the Mysoteria Motors garage, where - due to reasons - he both lives and works full-time.)

Name: Sprocket McKormic
Alias: N/A (He's long since given up trying to keep his identity a secret.)
Age: 21


  • Gravity Flip. Sprocket's body often "forgets" that it's supposed to obey Earth's gravitational pull, and instead chooses something else to be tied to at random. It also tends forget his mass during these incidents as well; making him fall at unpredictable speeds.

    Most of the time, Sprocket will be able to walk down the street just like any other person. Other times his body will decide that actually, gravity's flipped 90 degrees, sending him hurtling sideways into a wall at top speed. The worst days for him are the ones where his body decides that up is down and down is up, flinging him into the sky with little warning. He has little control over this power, and it terrifies the fuck outta him.
  • Wall walking. Sprocket has a much easier time controlling gravity when in an enclosed space, letting him walk across walls and ceilings as if they were a light slope.
  • Gravity Surge. Sprocket can change the personal gravity of any object he touches -- be it how light/heavy it is, or the direction it falls -- and can cancel it out at will. He usually does this on purpose, but there have been... unpleasant incidents.
  • Sturdy. While he can't take much of a beating, his body takes way less damage from long falls and sudden stops than it should. 

Morality? Alignments?: Neutral, leaning more towards good. Sprocket's so busy with his job as a mechanic (and trying not to accidentally fling himself into outer space) that he often forgets there are people in the world beyond him and his colleagues. He's also kinda sorta technically covering up manslaughter right now so he's definitely not lawful.  Sprocket isn't entirely convinced that his powers can be of any use to people, but if you make a good argument and promise to back him up, he'll be there.

Any Weapons/Gear?: No weapons. In the rare occasions Sprocket has to go outside for long periods of time he can usually be seen wearing a flight parachute, as well as a rock-climbing harness with a long grappling hook connected to it. Just in case he needs to slow himself down.

Basic Physical Description: 5'7", black hair, hazel eyes. Korean. A bit skinny and a bit pale, since he doesn't get out much. Hair hasn't been cut in a while, so it's a bit too long and uneven.


  • Works at the garage across town. Good with cars n' shit.
  • Totally writes his gear off as a business expense.
  • Is sorta-kinda friends with Maya Omai, and knows about her powers. Long story.
  • Has a real interest in computer security, but isn't exactly a master hacker or anything. Don't make your password something obvious, and he won't go through your email.