



Biographical Information:

Nationality: Altira Hara

Place of birth: Hara's laboratory

Physical Description:

Gender: Male

Species: Chimera 

Eye colour: Periwinkle  

Fur colour: White, sky blue, pink 

Personal Information:

Age: Unknown

Allies: Archimedes, Astoria, Leafa

Enemies: Florian, Rudi

Powers: Hexes

Political Information:

Profession: Pet to Archimedes

About Karma:

Karma normally keeps to himself. Often sleeping in Archie's chair when he's not around or on piles of old books. He's well mannered and will help Archie find old spell books or maps in his overgrown collection. This chimera is smart enough to cast hexes on ones he dislikes. Normally something harmless, giving them a pig tail for example. He can't do anything as powerful as to transform one completely, he's more like a bad luck charm. A normal phrase around the castle for misbehaved children or even guards is “Be careful or Karma will get you.”

Not much is know about what he was before the lab got a hold of him. It's thought he started out as a simple house cat and was fused with other animals in an experiment. He was kept in terrible conditions and was on the verge of death when Archimedes accompanied by Sapphire soldiers stormed the illegal lab. Karma was found by Archie who took him home to nurse him back to health.

Karma was very timid and Archie got his fair share of scratches from the chimera. As time progressed and Karma began to heal the two became closer. Karma began to lay on Achie's lap while he studied and made lesson plans for the princess.

Karma has now made himself at home at the kingdom and is often seen hanging around the castle grounds, sometimes keeping and eye on the princess being sure she stays out of mischief. 


Is normally well mannered but can be choosy on who gets to pet him. His behaviour is cat-like but he lacks the more graceful side to one. 

 He's very cuddly with Archie and is often seen at his side. Only leaving when asked to go check on the princess.

If annoyed or angered he will cast a spell on the bully usually causing misfortune for the rest of the day or having to deal with and embarrassing mark or new tail.


Hexes. They're rather simple in nature and is only ever used if in danger or is being tormented or teased.


  • Will only eat food given by Archimedes or Astoria 
  • Dislikes Rudi and Florian, it's unknown why. 
  • If Achie is away, Astoria will look after Karma 
  • He likes to swim 
  • He can't fly but can glide using his wigs. He's able to lift off the ground but only for a few moments. 
  • His horns serve no purpose but do grow and shrink at times. Archie still hasn't figured out why this is. 
  • Karma enjoys to listen to Archie or Leafa read 
  • Archie will read a short story to Karma every night to help him sleep. 
  • Will have nightmares on occasion of being stuck back in the lab. When he does he'll cuddle up beside Archie. 
  • Doesn't purr or bark. He makes more of a chirping sound and growls when angry.

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