


Biographical Information:

Nationality: Altira Hara

Place of birth: Sapphire Kingdom

Physical Description:

Gender: Male

Species: Dog

Eye colour: Sky blue

Hair Colour: Cream

Fur colour: Dark umber, dark brown, brown, cream

Personal Information:

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 39

Love interest(s): Ethel

Allies: Florian (Deceased), Astoria, Karma, Rudi, Leafa, Sora, Azul, Ash, Lexa, Ivory, Penelope

Enemies: Equinox, Corruptions

Fighting style: Tai Chi

Powers: All forms of magic 

Political Information:

Profession: Sorcerer

Position: Grand Sorcerer

Affiliation: Sapphire Kingdom

About Archimedes:

Archimedes (or Archie by some) holds the status of Grand Sorcerer. His powers are outmatched by any known magic wielders in Altira Hara. He servers under the King of the Sapphire Kingdom who is also his closest friend. Archie is not only the protector of the kingdom but is also the teacher of the next in line to the throne, Princess Astoria. She is also set to be the next Grand Sorcerer (or sorceress in her case) to the kingdom. Though he’s her teacher he’s grown to love her like his own daughter and is constantly amazed by the extent of her powers. He believes she will surpass him and be the hero the world needs.


Archie was born into a noble family that served the Sapphire king. To his family’s shock, he was born with magical abilities, something his parents didn’t have. It wasn’t long before they realized he had a special talent. He had begun taking classes but was surpassing all his classmates with ease. His powers were like nothing they’ve seen before and he soon began training at the castle. The king himself had begun to train Archimedes. The prince had been born without magical abilities. That was odd because the Grand Sorcerer of the Sapphire kingdom was always born into the royal family. Worry had spread across the kingdom for its safety but then word came out that a prodigy had been found among the noblemen. Archie had trained alongside the king and had become close friends with prince Florian. Florian held no ill will against Archimedes for his talents, he found himself encouraging his new friend. Florian had taken up sword training and academics. Though he had no magic ability, Florian was very wise.

Years passed and Archimedes had surpassed the expectations of the kingdom. Florian had taken the throne and soon married after his coronation. He had proved to be a wise and noble king even without magic. Archimedes stood by his friends’ side but felt as though something was missing. 

Not long after the Kings wedding, two dragons came to the kingdom. They told of the horrors that had gone on in their village and the king soon packed up his army and greatest ally and headed off to war with the Kingdom of Altira. Archie had fought long and hard by the king’s side in the war and they came out victorious. Unfortunately, the village of dragons had been destroyed. The only survivors being the ones who fled and warned the king of the atrocities happening there.

After returning home and beginning to settle down news rang out of a Princess being born. Unlike her father, she showed magical potential. Archie was asked to train the new princess. He wasn’t quite sure what to expect and the two got off to a rocky start. Princess Astoria seemed to have little interest in Archimedes and would cry whenever he tried to hold her but one night while the king and queen were away, she got sick. Archimedes laid beside her all night, praying to Hara that she would get better. After this night, the bond between them changed. Now it was rare to see Archimedes without Astoria. 

After Astoria's sixteenth birthday, the castle was attacked by creatures called corruptions. Archimedes ran to the king's aid but arrived to see he had been slain by a hooded figure. Astoria had already arrived and seen her father. She  tried to rush in to help but was held back by Rudi and was told to flee the kingdom and find somewhere safe to hide. Astoria fought to get free from Rudi's grip but failed. Archimedes stayed to give the princess and her friends time to escape. During the battle, Archimedes was his by a dark ball of magic. It caused Archimedes to fall to his knees. The hooded figure went to finish him off but Archimedes realised a bright light and vanished from the room. With the last of his strength, he teleported himself outside the kingdom. 

With his home gone he fled to the woods. His hope held high that Astoria and the gang were able to flee to safety. He wished to go back and look for them but was in no shape to do so. He made his way to an old friend who helped him get to a secluded village where he'd come up with a plan to take back his kingdom. He changed his appearance to be less flashy and noticeable and passes himself off as a doctor. 


Archimedes is calm and collected. He rarely loses his composure as it affects his magical abilities when he’s upset or angry. He’s kind and gentle and gets along well with anyone. He loves to teach and share his knowledge. He has a passion for learning new things and talking to new people. Archie does enjoy his downtime and loves to read and to create/try new spells. He’s very protective of his family, especially Astoria.


Skilled in many forms of magic. Has a high IQ and a vast knowledge of different kinds of magic used throughout Altira Hara.


  • He tells Karma all his secrets
  • He loves music
  • Has dad energy 
  • Has a staff to use with his magic but rarely uses it
  • Doesn’t like to fight and will try to avoid a physical confrontation 
  • Likes to wear sweaters 
  • Prefers small gatherings 
