
3 years, 9 months ago


The Knight

Kat - Two - Male

Deemed the name for resembling a Somali! And it only grooms his ego for being a “cool cat.”

Kat knows everyone and is quite slick, especially with several pick-up lines to get girls on his side. He is not known for stealing, though he is not against it if it comes to emergency or occasional gifting. He’s more skilled at hunting and has exceptional hearing.

Kat likes loud sounds, such as music and storms. Not so much loud talking, however. It’s too much to comprehend.

Kat is more or less the middle child of his family, always on an adventure- he typically sees them at dinner. They are a close knit family, but constantly worries over his actions and choices. Like being friends with Mute. Kat sees the positive in people more often than not, and would always try to talk himself out of things. He’s a lover, not a fighter.

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