


3 years, 9 months ago


Full NameAkimitsu Hachijō
MushroomMycena chlorophos (bioluminescence mushrooms)

Akimitsu The Shrine Maiden

"Our children are the future. We must teach and protect them." 

A shrine maiden who works day and night to serve the moon and her community.


-Light Purple Skin (Common)

-Limbs and Head- (Uncommon)

-Solid colored accents (Common)

-Has pupils while Neutral- (Uncommon)

-Non-Circular Halo (Common)

-Halo has ribbons coming from it (Rare)

The child of two shinedrians, she inherited a crescent halo from one of her parents. Following tradition, Akimitsu inherited her families shrine, as the next in line to tend to the shrine. The shrine, although small, is a well loved shrine dedicated to the goddess of the moon. The family of shinedrian has been tending to the shrine for generations. The community affectionately calls them "Shrinedrians". The shrine has always been looked at in a positive light and has been heavily involved in the community. Akimitsu has upheld this opinion.

Akimitsu follows the beliefs and rules of the Goddess of the moon with dedication. Although she spends her time worshiping, giving offerings and spreading the word of the goddess of the moon, Akimitsu beliefs that such tasks are surface level. Due to the Moon Goddess's association and protection of children, Akimitsu spends most of her time giving to the children in her community as much as she can. She encourages others to donate to children services and often helps in day cares, hospitals and orphanages. She often teaches children traditional life skills, such as how to sew, how to use a bow, how to cook, ect. Many worry that these tasks are too dangerous for children but Akimitsu tells people that children are more intelligent and crafty than given credit and they should not be undermined or underestimated. Akimitsu ensures people that she keeps a close eye and no children have been seriously harmed under her care. 

Akimitsu is a passionate partaker in the festival of Saint Murasaki, a festival the honors the sacrifices made by Saint Murasaki and celebrates children. She partakes in the shrine maiden activities involved in the festival and gathers donations for children's charities. Her enthusiastic friendly nature and long purple hair is often commented on during this time, as she is compared to Saint Murasaki, seen as a grown up version of her. Due to this, her presence during the festival can be both comforting and painful to those her knew Murasaki.


-I designed her ages ago but hadn't done with anything cause I was reluctant to use MYO traits

-her surname, Hachijō is named after Hachijō-jima, a botanical park where her species of mushrooms are seen growing

-Akimitsu means bright and light. (wow very original name there alida)

-she isn't very bright in the day but glows at night.

-her markings are inspired by chinese flowers that were painted on womens foreheads. Although not japanese my world is a combination of chinese and japanese cultures so ehh