


3 years, 9 months ago


"When you finally meet the love of your life, you will know exactly why you had to let the others go."

Full Name: Deiamon Ne Zha

Gender: male

Birth Place: the tiefling city/kingdom of Aaisbiet


Age: 79 (age he died at)

Race: tiefling

Eye color: bright blue

Hair color: orange

Height: 6" 1'

Sexuality: homosexual

Class: monk/bard


Parents: Andzer & Thaola

Siblings: none

Spouse(s): Nahala Manise & Baako Skritz

Children: Timeless Manise & Kale Ne Zha-Skritz

Other Information

Random Facts: 

  • Deiamon enjoys things that are considered feminine like sewing or cooking or keeping a garden. 
  • Deiamon really wanted to be exiled from Aaisbiet after the birth of his son, Timeless.
  • He never met Timeless and never really wanted to. He does feel bad that he was not in Timeless' life, though. 
  • The Ne Zha family was granted the status of nobility in the time of Deiamon's grandfather who was a hero of war. 



Languages Spoken: Common, Infernal, Draconic



Deiamon was born into the noble house of Ne Zha of the desert kingdom of Aaisbiet. He grew up in wealthy society without siblings. His childhood life mainly concluded of lessons and loneliness. Deiamon found himself growing up alongside members of the Aaisbiet royal court, including the princess. When he was young, his parents, Thaola and Andzer Ne Zha told him he would have an arranged marriage with the Aasibietian princess, Nahala Manise. Deiamon and Nahala found themselves slightly repulsed by each other, though their parents forced them into situations that often made both of them uncomfortable. So Deiamon often found ways to entertain himself in her presences or simply hiding. A gap formed between Deiamon and the royal court. Now, Deiamon often sought his parents approval by doing the most menial tasks like cleaning stuff the servants would often do or getting top marks on everything in school. It wasn't enough to impress Andzer and Thaola. He felt his parents wanted to choose his life instead of letting him live how he wanted to. 

As he grew, Andzer and Thaola made it clear he would not gain their affection unless he were to marry the one he absolutely hated now. Princess Nahala became insufferable to deal with as she got older. Deiamon had an idea, what if he could make Princess Nahala laugh? He tried it out and it worked. In the next few years, he saw the princess as less of a horrible person to deal with. She still didn't seem to like him much but Deiamon couldn't have cared less. Andzer and Thaola were happy he was entertaining her and Deiamon thought to talk to Nahala more like she was a regular person rather than royalty. Eventually, Nahala found herself pregnant with Deiamon's child in their late teens. Nahala's father found out and a fight ensued between the Manise and Ne Zha family. When they came to an agreement, the king of Aaisbiet forbade Deiamon to see his child and called off the marriage. As far as Deiamon knew, Nahala named their son Timeless. 

Deiamon didn't seemed depressed that he was not allowed to meet his son. Thaola and Andzer worried about his well-being. His parents encouraged him to leave Aaisbiet if he wanted to. Deiamon disappeared the next day, ending up on a separate continent. He was now in a port town known as Aramoor. Deiamon didn't know what to do other than maybe get a job and a house for himself.