


3 years, 11 months ago


Full Name: Baako Skritz

Gender: male

Birth Place: the tiefling town of Solley

Birthday: July 4th

Age: 82 (age he died at)

Race: tiefling

Eye color: pale green

Hair color: white

Height: 5' 11

Sexuality: homosexual

Class: monk/barbarian


Parents: Skrael & Rita

Siblings: Anrik

Spouse(s): Deiamon Ne Zha

Children: Kale Ne Zha-Skritz

Other Information

Random Facts: 

  • He is pretty rude and uncaring about what is insensitive to people. He believes if he offends you, that's your problem; not his. 
  • He is albino has issues staying in the sun for long periods of time but he doesn't necessarily care anymore and ends up going in the sun a lot anyways. 
  • His parents planted many trees and other desert plants around their house when Baako was born so he wouldn't have to deal with the effects from his skin. 
  • Was never told what happened to Karnon after the kiss but it still harbors wonder in the back of his mind from time to time. 
  • Got his eyeball scar in a fight on the southeastern part of his island when he was gambling for a boat. He spent a couple days in prison because he had nearly butchered the guy. He thought the guy had gouged out his eye at first. 
  • Has a diary that he keeps under the mattress, especially when married to Deiamon.  


Bonds: Essaerae, the elf he met at the boarding school for girls. His husband, Deiamon and their son, Kahle. 

Languages Spoken: Common, Infernal



Baako was born in Solley, a town of tieflings in a desert part of an island, where his parents Rita and Skrael lived. He was born albino, being very sensitive to sunlight. As his birthright, he was expected to run their grocery shop and orchard when he became an adult. When he was a child, he never had a desire to until his parents had given him a younger brother who was called Anrik six years later. Anrik was a normal child, and inherited his parent's brownish-black hair and bright red skin. Baako tried being the greatest older brother but deep down he knew that he was going to throw his birthright onto Anrik and leave. While they grew older, Baako noticed that Anrik didn't want him around as much anymore, as their parents told Baako to watch over his younger brother when they were out.  He found out that Anrik was embarrassed when he came around. Anrik and his friends thought the albino tiefling of a brother was very odd, as tieflings were more or less made to live in heat and he couldn't with the impending doom of easily getting skin cancer, sun burnt and being easily spotted by others. Baako ended up leaving Anrik alone for the most part. Anrik took it upon himself to start getting in trouble with Baako not around but it backfired majorly. Rita and Skrael believed Baako was watching him, even when he wasn't and held Anrik responsible for his own actions. 

When Baako strayed from his brother, he found console in groups of friends from his school. Most of them being men, he and his friend, Karnon, would often stray from the group. They would meet each other in different places around Solley, simply to talk. Baako began to find himself falling in love over the years. One fateful day, he leaned into kiss Karnon, who didn't hesitate to kiss him back. Unfortunately for them, somebody was watching. The one who watched reported it to their parents and when Baako came home that day, he saw all of his belongings packed into bags. Skrael told him that no son of his was going to go around kissing other men. Skrael also delivered his eldest son an ultimatum: to leave and forfeit his birthright to Anrik solely to be gay or to stay and pretend to be someone who he was not for the rest of his life. Baako chose to leave and find his calling in life. 

Once Rita and Skrael kicked Baako out, he got himself money by doing odd jobs on the south-east coast for a little while. When he had enough money for a one way trip across the ocean, he went with not much more than a sailboat and the clothes on his back. He ended up on the continent of Icast. He ended up in a town named Kaylik after much time of walking. He got a job in a forge shop in Kaylik, as this was something that interested him throughout his childhood. After a while of working there, Baako got hired by the boarding school just south of Kaylik named Bitterwood Academy for girls to do iron work for them. They gave him his own shop to work out of on school grounds. A few years later, he met a new student, Essaerae Mala, an eccentric 11 year old elf girl, who'd spend the next three years hating Bitterwood. The elf girl took notice of him and taught him how to improve his skills, letting on that she came from a family of blacksmiths. Essaerae kind of became his best friend as he didn't care for much of anybody else. Essaerae wanted to run away from Bitterwood by the third year,