Spoons (Cilantro)



3 years, 9 months ago


- power lesbian
- people who just met her might think she's a good kind baby, but she is actually surprisingly mischievous
- very headstrong and aggressively independent; she refuses to be follow commands and will often seek dangerous adventures against the advice of people who know better. If brought on missions she will often launch headstrong into battle while the others try to make an actual plan
- Nonetheless she is kind, respectful and cheerful; she doesn't pull cruel pranks, and while she will try to convince her friends to join her antics she ultimately respects their space. She may just occasionally endanger those near her by acting recklessly on the field, but outside of this she is a loyal and trustworthy friend
- Has a very small case of anime protagonist syndrome and her thrill-seeking nature is doubled if it means protecting someone in need
- Likes to hang out with the horde's other ludroths and leviathan-class monsters, often trying to convince them to go on adventures with her