Bradac Hwitrol



3 years, 10 months ago


Bradac Hwitrol

Name Marquess Bradac Deorwig Hwitrol
Age ~late twenties
Sex/Gender male
Species/Ethnicity/Culture Human
World Cwichær


After his brother died, Bradac inherited the family title, Marquess of Norecg, and left the kings service.

With ~1,75m/~5'10" he is at the average hight

He spend over 10 years as an active Knight of the King in the battle field and he has the correspnding body - muscle from intensive use, a broad back and scars from many injuries.

He has light brown hair, blue eyes and an angular face with a strong nose. In his youth many noble daughters yearned for him. During his time fighting for the king he took several injuries to the face and is now disfigured by noble standards.
There is an area from above his eyebrow, down his temple and over the most part of his left cheek that is one bumpy, lumpy scar. It took half of his left eyebrow and a patch of hair near his temple and ear too. His nose is crooked to the side, where is was broken by an opponents sword once and two of his lower front teeth are missing.

While he can get a rooms attention quite easily, he doesn't like to be the center or attention though. The same goes for speaking, he can get his point across with his booming voice and clear words, but prefers if others speak.
Additional to that he isn't the most creative mind.

The ability to plan well, use strategies and keep a cool head in heated situations has saved his head in many situations.

Everything in his life lead him to be a fighter, a leader in battle - not a diplomat. The local duties, which come with being the Marquess of Norecg, he can manage, but he lost when it comes to the diplomatic ones.

To cherish and bring honor to the family name is one of the most important things in his life. He doesn't care too much about the king or the kingdom, even though he would never say that out loud. But what he does for king and country, he actually does for the families sake.

He does belief in the devine trinity (the predominant faith in the kingdom) but has a more sceptical approach to it than most. He dares to question in his own mind what priests say or what is meant to be common knowledge. But again, he isn't saying that out loud, cause most people wouldn't like that. Some would even brand him as a heretic and that can end deadly.
Something else he believes in firmly, is that the Traon aren't mere savages, as most of his country men would say. That is mostly because he is one of the few nobles who acutally grew up close to them and his father was on friendly terms with the clans living near by.

Since he is the last Hwitrol of Haestan, cause his only brother Cenbeorn died without a child, the family might lose the title Knight of the King. Bradac won't stand back and let that happen.

Also he has a hard time finding a proper wife. He is ugly in the eyes of most marriagebale ladies, what wouldn't be a proplem if he had other things to offer that would make him an eligible bachelor - large estates, riches, a comfortable life. The thing is besides the title and a crumbling castle he has not much to offer. The whole thing bothers him and keeps him awake at night.

So in the end, the most important thing to him, is his family. He would die to protect the family name, the honor, the title, the land and even the old castle he calls home.


Friends & Family

His father died years ago and left his mother a widow. She is sickly, now that she is an old woman, and the cold weather nearly year round at Haestan didn't help. So she spends her life as a widow at her brothers estate.
After their fathers death, Bradacs brother Cenbeorn inherited all titles and land as local traditions demands. Cenbeorn married and everything looked good, till after several years he and his wife both fell ill and died in short succession. His wife only lifed long enought to write to Bradac about Cenbeorn's death, before she died herself.
Since none of their other siblings made it to adulthood Bradac inherited everything from his brother and is now the only hope to keep the family name and the titles alive.

His only real friend, who he would never suspect to betray him is Werrick Weolfskin, his former page and later a squire. All the "proper" nobels have their own agendas and he doesn't trust them. Werrick however is the seventh son of a low lord and has nothing much more to aspire than to be a knight some day. Bradac can help him with just that and they have fought together for many years.

Love Life

This man is not only straight, he also believes into faithfulness in marriage to a degree, that, if he would ever lose the affaction of his future wife, he would live in abstinence.

However this sentiment only applies to when he is married. As long as he isn't the working girls around will make a pretty penny by servicing him. Since his face got smashed in he gave up all hope regarding affairs and unpaid lovers.

He is not exactly picky when it comes to women, but he likes to feel desired - even when he pays for it. Additionally he is not a fan of the meek, shy, borderline fearful girls some lower lords want to set him up with. For one, they only want a family connection to the higher rank and secondly the are scared, teenaged girls and he is nearly thirty.

We're not there yet, but he will find his wife, Shara, rather sooner than later. It's more of an arranged agreement for diplomatic reasons at first, but it doesn't stay like that for long.

  • he is an exceptional swordsman
  • with all his duties as a Marquess and an Earl he hardly has time to tain with the sword and he doesn't like that
  • lucky for him, he will marry a Traon and that woman is just as eager for a good duel as he is
  • his future wife will call him Dac, cause she can't pronounce the "B" correctly