Traon World

This world is called Cwichær by its inhabitants - or more preciesly by the most dominant human culture. So that's what I'm going for too.
Here live Elfs, Dwarfs, Orks and Humans each of them with different culures, nations and languages.

There are Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs in this world. They trade goods with each other just fine and they partially live together in growing towns but aren't too fond of each other in different combinations. Some settlements are only inhabited by only one species, some are well mixed. There is one particular town, Riverton, where mainly dawarves and elves live. Humans live on both of them basically everywhere, but less of them in the far north or in the dessert. Elves live mostly on the eastern continent, some of them have migrated to the west over time. Dwarfs are originally from the eastern continent as well but migratet to whereever mountains could be found. They didn't stay there in the end and now they are everywhere. Orks seem to be at home mostly on the western continent in grassland, desserts and woods.

There are two known contients. On the point where the continents are the closest to each other they are connected by several islands. It's the easiest and original rute from one continent to the other. Besides the sea, the two most important waters are the daal lakes on the eastern continent, long stretched and thinn but deep they cover a good part of the elven lands between woods and rocks; and Ricwal, the biggest River on the west continent, running through the nothern part of the western continent and keeping the land at the edge of the dessert fertil.

Dragon War

A long time ago, in fact such a long time ago that even the elves and dwarves started forgetting about it, dragons flew in the sky. And for some reasons which are forgotten by now a war started. It didn't look like a war at first. The humans, elves and dwarves fought against the dragons on their own. But it became a war and they all worked together against the flying fire to near extingtion. In the end all dragons were killed. So much do the elves remember.
But no one really cares about it nowadays, the dragons are no more and all that is left are legends. That's the important thing, even for the elves who know. The dwarfs have their jokes about it, old words from sharp tongues about how dragon fire would make the work easier, but one would have to tame a dragon for it. The humans mostly tell fary tales about dragons being slain and some knights claim what a pitty it is, that they will never have the chance to do so.

Traon War

When the humans and dwarves went farther up north and on the west continent they met the Traon for the first time - a local tribe of nomadic horse people. It wasn't a friendly first meeting and that went down in history.
When strangers appeared on their land, trying to take it, the Traon started fighting. The dwarves left and searched elsewhere for stone and metal and fertile land. But the humans fought back. They thought their opponents where savages, not fit to fight against an organised army, against a people ruled by a powerful king. They were proven wrong and this misjudgement would cost them several tousand lifes.
To this day everyone hears the story of the last battle at least once in their life. Five tousand men say some, ten tousand say others fought against a few hundred Traon. According to legend the Ricwal was turned red by the blood of the fallen. Wether that is ture or not, none of the men came back and the riders kept their land.

  • the "common" language is based on old english/anglo-saxon tit bits (but I don't know shit about anglo-saxon pronounciation ...)
  • and I'm, uh, getting inspiration from tumblr. A lot.

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