


3 years, 8 months ago


Gem type: Green Dresden diamond.
Nickname(s): My diamond (by subjects), Dresden,

Gem Placement: Right side of face.

Alliance: The Radiant Ministry.
Weapons/Abilities: Weapon unknown. Has an ear-piercing scream and advanced Ferrokinesis.

Dresden diamond is known to be a very defensive gem. She controls the ministry's industrial and military advancements. Because of her important authority, she keeps many things as "classified information" and never really tells her subjects what's happening in the Ministry to avoid panic. Dresden Diamond has notable anger issues and isn't afraid to let it out when even the slightest mistake happens. She's a perfectionist and will challenge anything/anyone personally to make sure that said mistake is flawlessly fixed.

Dresden's court is very bland and dull to look at. It's mainly composed of Steampunk-esque machinery and basic structures that resemble watchtowers. There's also many factories that are constantly running on energy harvested from actual gems. Despite having a diverse court of gems, almost all of them are workers of some sort. Less durable gems take on more simple tasks like maintenance and tool/weapon construction projects. The bigger/tougher gems are either part of her military force or work in architectural construction.

Fun facts:
*Her main duty is to oversee weaponry and architectural ideas and to see if they're worth putting into production.
*Occasionally performs gem experiments. Her most successful one is Malachite.
*She often lashes out on herself, presumably because she doesn't see herself as exquisite as Raven Diamond.
*Also may have a crush on Raven, as she'll act strangely nice/happy when she's around-
*Deep in the planet's crust, under Dresden's territory, are her 3 kindergartens. "Omega", The kindergarten that develops Quartzes, Pearls, and smaller gems. "Zironia" the second kindergarten where Tough worker gems are created, like Bismuths, Peridots, and Fluorites. "Soma", the last kindergarten that Dresden personally uses to conduct her various experiments.