


3 years, 10 months ago



Full NameNatalie Siena
Age16 years old
BirthdayMarch 13
Height5'05" / 165cm
OccupationHigh school student




Natalie is a sweet and caring introvert who wants to make friends but is otherwise mostly reserved. She is very modest, in both personality and fashion, and is a little bashful. She is in no way boastful but she does have well-placed confidence in her academic abilities; despite having poor prior education, she does quite well in school, as she is quite studious. She is not entirely a shut-in but she loves to find quiet places to read a good book. She attaches herself to fandoms rather quickly, and if she were ever to ramble, it would probably be about one. All in all, she's a lovable dork who exudes a soft and amiable aura.

Her palpable awkwardness in social environments likely stems from both a lack of social experience and a multitude of anxieties that nag at her constantly. She has a harmful tendency to bottle her worries, which has led her to break down many times. She hates all the attention being pointed towards her, as it brings a lot of stress and panic and makes her shut down.



Natalie was born to a pretty poor father and a rather wealthy mother, and even from a young age, Natalie could tell that her parents did not have a very healthy relationship. There seemed to be a certain apathy and neglegance her mother held towards her, which upset and troubled young Natalie and sparked the majority of the argumments between her mom and dad. Her mother abused alcohol and abused Natalie verbally, seeing this poor man's daughter as nothing but a bother, a burden, and a pest. Not having had many opportunities for success himself, Natalie's father cared for his daughter immensely, only wanting to nurture her and do what was best for her sake. He couldn't stand his wife's treatment of the girl. She grew more toxic towards her husband and daughter, and the relationship fell apart.

After one fateful and tumultuous argument, Natalie's mother took all her posessions and left. Unfortunately for Mr. Siena and his eleven year old daughter, she was responsible for the payment of most of their living essentials, including the property; with no way to pay the lease, Natalie and her dad were ejected. Her dad scurried to find a suitable living arrangement for the two of them, an arduous search that cost many sleepless and hungry nights. Eventually, her dad managed to rent an appartment with what was in his account and he quickly found a full-time job that managed to sustain him and his daughter. Although Natalie desperately wanted to do whatever she could to assist her dad, she was too young and ill-informed to help, which generated guilt heavier than the weight of the world.

As she grew older, Natalie gathered hobbies that would help her and her father sustain themselves. Her dad was grateful, but he wanted something much better for his daughter than what they had now. He worked harder, found new jobs, and enrolled Natalie into a public school, where she could learn, connect with other people, and make friends. These were Natalie's goals as well as she entered a new chapter of her life, one with more hope than the last few.

Current Day

Natalie Siena is enrolled as a sophomore at a public school in Chicago. Although she had attended a private school when she was younger, it has been many years, so she isn't very used to the education system. As a new student in a new environment, her already strong worries and anxieties heighten often around other people, but she does her best to surpress them. She wants nothing more than to learn much, do her best, make friends, and eventually, give back to her dad for everything he's done for her.


Ice powers


Natalie was born with Ice powers. She can instantly freeze water, melt ice, and create and condense steam, as well as manipulate the shape of each of those substances. At a touch, she can even freeze other objects. Natalie is quite proficient at creating small, intricate objects with her ice, shaping them with impressive detail, and she often creates these objects to fidget with them, to occupy her hands. As an Ice user, her body temperature is naturally lower and she cannot stand hot environments easily. When she has a mental or emotional breakdown—which happens concerningly often—she loses control of her powers and begins to freeze herself from the inside out. Thankfully, this hasn't caused any permanent damage yet...


For various reasons, be it boredom or goodwill, Natalie has acquired a number of hobbies to fill up her spare time. Some of them she makes a profit from! Almost all of it she redirects to her dad, though. What a kind soul.

Candle making - One day, Natalie discovered the pleasant aroma of homemade candles and decided to learn how to make them. She found it surprisingly easy, once she learned where to get the wax and wick. She began to create many different candles with many different fragrances, and began selling some. She kept many, as she likes to have the pleasant, flickering, warm, aromatic ember when she reads a nice story.

Reading and writing - Natalie has always been fond of stories. Her father helped her learn how to read from a young age, and she has never stopped—except for when she didn't have access to reading material. As a result, her reading comprehension and vocabulary are notably above average. In addition to reading, Natalie also writes for fun. She mostly makes poems, but has made some short prose. She thinks it's no good. She's wrong, but she still feels too embarrassed to share it with others.

Dogsitting and dog walking - Natalie has always had a soft spot for animals, so when she learned that she could make some money by offering to walk and dogsit others' dogs, she lept on that opportunity. She does this every week now, and earns a decent amount! She has made many, many canine friends.



Design Notes

  • She parts her bangs right but honestly that's more just the way I draw hair, draw it however you want
  • uhh yeah I don't really have anything else to say here—




[ Friend / Crush? ]

Summer introduced Natalie to Matthew, and the two Ice users found that they had a lot in common, more than just their power. With many similar interests and with both having a very soft, quiet, and amiable disposition, the two got along splendidly, quickly becoming close friends. Sometimes, though, Natalie wishes she could be closer with him...
(Character belongs to FallingFeathers)



[ Friend ]

Summer was the first friend Natalie ever made. On one of her first days at the school, Natalie was approached by Summer, as the ice girl was a new face, and although Summer's demeanor was rather loud and expressive, Natalie found that Summer was also a friendly and kind person. The two quickly became friends and Natalie often found Summer coming to sit with her at lunch.
(Character belongs to @ElisDead)