


9 years, 3 months ago


Kamui (Kahm-oo-i)
Age: 19
Height: 5'9"
Personality: Grouchy - Mean Spirited
Usual Mood: Disgusted
Marking Type: Sugar Freckled
Eye type: Standard
Ear type: Droopy

Snobby and rude, there's never a lack of things so complain about for this shark. The day he has a hair out of place is the day he dies, he's absolutely obsessive about his appearance at times, often visiting Hades to keep his cut tidy, and sometimes visiting the high class district to get new flashy bowties from his friend Poseidon.

He is the trusted accountant for The Boss, always making sure that there's more gold and gummi's coming in than going out, he is good with numbers for a shark, how he learned the skills is a mystery.

He doesn't have many friends, but seems friendly enough with Vito having a great admiration for his fashion and how he carries himself.

He finds most of the members of the bankers to be unsavory to deal with, and would rather work alone, but works with them because of his respect for Thetis.