Pelle Landmer



4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info






April 14th










Mortician, hitman










"Shovel at your service! Pelle always accomplishes her mission!"                         --Pelle

Pelle Landmer, or Pelle, is a character from THE TRASHERS series.

She is a human living in the middle-class Zone, but spending most of her time in the Trash Zone. She is a professional mortician and a professional hitman.

She is Tombe's daughter. She may either resides in her home in the middle-class Zone, or in Tombe's house in low-class Zone, or in Greta's house in the forest. She has a younger sibling and two-blood related cousins, Inamée and Hiromé.

PERSONALITY: Pelle is an energic, extremely joyful and teasing person.

Pelle is cheerful most of the time, and is a very smiling person. She is the kind of always jumping to conclusions and talks a lot. She likes to give silly advices and asking questions. She immediately jumps on work opportunities and is very severe when it comes to incomes or boundaries, as she doesn't hesitate to argue or refuse a contract.

She likes to tell jokes and playing pretend. She has a very wild imagination when it comes to interpreting characters. She likes interpreting different characters than herself at times, and may act completely different until breaking down and laughing it off. Sometimes, she purposively fool around and do bad things because she wants people around to react and give her attention. As surprising as it can be, she likes to take care of people and making them comfortable makes her very happy. With her friends, she can act very sweet and caring towards them, and even motherly-like at times.

She doesn't take life seriously at all and can joke about it. Pelle likes when people trust and rely on her when it comes to death, and write testimonies for when the time will come. She keeps them very preciously at home. She values a lot her most loved ones, but tries to act detached when they pass away in order to not cry every death that comes across her. The two deaths that still saddens her to this day, despite her not showing it, are Pansement and Arboisia's.

She has a lot of confidence and doesn't hesitate to threaten people at times when they do not take her seriously. She tends to always smile and giggle when doing so because she's been told she's scary and she likes to give off that impression. Pelle doesn't get annoyed or angry easily. She has a very good control of her emotions, especially anger, and can retain herself a lot from expressing them. When she is actually angered by something, she snaps and starts being extremely physically violent.

Pelle is observed to be polyamorous. She is very picky when it comes to people she likes, and they are usually completely random and have nothing in common. Her current love interests are Albin Eldegarde, Peterson Vraturn and Greta Esperlita. She is completely insensible to explicit tempted seduction toward her unless she is interested, and frankly tells them to stop. If the person is insistant, she will start to avoid them and even threatening them to stop or she will harm them. When she is being reluctantly sexually touched, she doesn't hesitate to kill the person right away, even if they were close friends, not allowing that kind of behavior on her behalf. She is observed to not be interested in sex, but she understands when people are talking about it or making dirty jokes around it.


  • She tends to take a lot of risks, but even though she seems to act recklessly, she is always thinking thoroughly in case of real danger.
  • She does not value her life at all, and would 100% risk it for a loved one.
  • She is rarely observed to be stone-faced.
  • She likes to be babied.
  • She is not really bashful and can strip in front of people.
  • She likes the taste of alcohol and can handle it quite well, but only drinks on exceptional events.
  • She cooks very badly.
  • She laughs very easily, and often take things very lightly.
  • She has a very strong body and heals quickly.
  • She likes stars.
  • She talks and screams very loudly.
  • People say her giggle is terrifying, while others find it cute.
  • She likes to imitate the others and can be very good at it, even though she tends to exagerate it when doing so.
  • She is very athletic and can easily parkour.
  • She is very resistant to pain.
  • She dislikes when people are clinging onto her.

(in progress)

BACKGROUND: Pelle Landmer was born on April 14th in a middle-class family. She belongs in a mortician family, where his father is a mortician and her mother an embalmer. She has a little brother, Fiore (3 years her junior), and a deceased older brother, Pansement (5 years her elder). She is Inamée and Hiromé's cousin.

She is a very curious and cheerful girl, running everywhere and saying hello to strangers without a hesitation. Due to her traditions in her family, she had to learn very early the work she had been attributed, and followed her father everywhere since the age of 6 doing his mortician job. She was forced to imitate him and to help him burying people.

At the age of 8, she went with her father on the Trash Zone. She meets Greta (12 years her elder) at around that age, and immediately falls in deep admiration for her. She develops a huge crush and idolization towards Greta, and comes to see her very often. The two become very close in no time and she hangs out a lot with Greta and her children.

At the age of 10, she starts working as a mortician by his father's side.

At the age of 11, she meets Arboisia, an old woman (48 years her elder) she befriends very easily. She is a blind woman with the mutation of prediction. They become close friends and Pelle spends a lot of time with her, helping her with food and money. 

At the age of 12, she starts working on her own as a mortician. With her cheerful and easy-going personality, her reputation raises very quickly in the Trash Zone. On that same year, she meets Peterson, who tries to take her in hostage when she is escorting him to Greta.

At the age of 13, she is engaged for the first time as a hitman by the Crimson Horns, working along with them to kill people. That raises a lot her reputation and makes her very popular as a hitman. At around that age, she meets Cisse.

At the age of 14, when she is strolling with Peterson, she meets Sasuke and Krystal and befriends them. On the same year, she gets heavily bullied by some members of the Crimson Horns. As her father defends her, they kill Arboisia. When she realizes what they did, Pelle get insanely mad and gets into a killing spree where she kills three members of the Crimson Horns by anger, beating them to death and scattering their limbs apart. Trying to get revenge on her, they attack her. Her brother Pansement and her father defend her, but Pansement gets killed in the fight. After that incident, Pelle definitely cuts the ties with the Crimson Horns.

At the age of 16, she agrees when Greta asks her to teach Hamon her job.

At the age of 18, Hamon confesses his feelings for her and she laughs it off. Extremely disappointed and saddened, he runs away.

(in progress)

PLOT: Pelle appears the first time by Albin and Cisse's sides. Albin and she mess around and uproot Cisse's cherry tree. They replace it with an oak, which annoys Cisse when he notices. Cisse punish them, telling them they have now to cut firewood in exchange of their crime for a few months.

(in progress)


TOMBE LANDMER: Tombe is Pelle's father. He taught her since she was very young she was meant to do the same job as him. Despite their huge personality difference, they somehow get along well and can count on each other, especially at the hardest time. Since they work in a very different way, they always try to respect the other's boundary when they work as colleagues. They can argue and/or debate very severely when it comes to incomes. 

PANSEMENT LANDMER: Pansement is Pelle's deceased older brother. Like Pelle, he has been taught about being a mortician by their father, but was way more sensible than her and didn't manage to follow the formation. Despite their huge personality difference, they got along extremely well, really caring and loving toward each other. Pelle would often sit on his lap and would like him to pet her, and Pansement would come to her for comfort hugs. When Pelle got in trouble due to the Crimson Horns, knowing how to fight, he immediately took her defense which ended up in his death. Pelle is still mourning over Pansement's death, even if she is not showing it, burning candles and giving special offerings on his date of death.

FIORE LANDMER: Fiore is Pelle's younger brother. Since Fiore and her had been receiving very different educations, they never got along well. After Pansement's death, their older brother, Fiore started to act hostile towards his sister and refuses to get involved with her, fearing she would bring more disaster in the family. Despite that hostile attitude of his, Pelle still seems to appreciate his brother and likes talking to him about various topics, even though he doesn't seem to listen much.

ARBOISIA SENEGALE: Arboisia is Pelle's deceased friend and one of her former love interests. Pelle was very attached to her and liked to listen to her, seeing her as family. She would always ask her about her days, bring her money or gifts and even invite her in her home. The woman was also deeply attached the young girl, giving her advices and predicting her her future, and would always pet and hug her. Pelle got deeply heartbroken when she heard about her death, and did everything she could to revenge her death.

ALBIN ELDEGARDE: Albin is Pelle's close friend and one of her love interests. Pelle is really curious about his stoic attitude, and likes to follow him around whenever he goes. They spend a lot of time together, and get along pretty well. Albin really appreciates her, even if he doesn't especially let it appear. He doesn't get all her jokes, taking them literally. He listens her a lot, and follows her in almost everything. Nevertheless, he doesn't hesitate to say if something is wrong according to him. She's also one of the rare people he lets touch him, and is always kind of delighted when she does. Pelle, on the other side, gets extremely overjoyed each time he shows her affection.

GRETA ESPERLITA: Greta is Pelle's close friend and one of her love interests. Pelle is really fond of her and likes to be treated like a child by her whenever she is around. She keeps complimenting Greta about everything, her hair, her smile, her face, her cooking, her way of doing things, etc. Greta hosts Pelle in her house when she wants to, invites her to meals and they get along very well, having very heart-lighted conversations but more serious as well. Greta trusts Pelle a lot and tends to rely on her.

PETERSON VRATURN: Peterson is Pelle's close friend and one of her love interests. Despite their very hostile first meeting, Pelle quickly took interest in the sassy young boy and got attached to his neglectful and agressive behavior. By spending time with her, Peterson managed to soften through time. He rarely shows her affection but always keeps her around, meaning he appreciates his presence, and likes to talk to her. Pelle is always following Peterson around once she finds him and likes to play with his weird inventions.

ANÉMONE SILICIUM: Anémone is Pelle's friend. Introduced by Greta and Cisse, at first Pelle was picking up on her or doing bad things in order to make her react, interested by her stoic behavior. She managed to make Anémone more reactive and even to get angry at her due to her foolishness, which made Pelle really delighted. Nowadays, they get along well, even though Anémone is now used to look after her whenever Pelle is around, in case she would make pranks. Pelle likes to be babied by Anémone, who tends to act like a big sister to Pelle, scolding and punishing her, despite their age difference.

CISSE LANGLOIS: Cisse is Pelle's close friend. Right after they met, she immediately offered her mortician services to him and since then started to visit him regularly. She likes to see him as an older brother and wants him to baby her. She likes to ask him questions about everything and to spend with him when he can. She is very concerned about his life in general, knowing the danger of his mutation, and always tries to help him. She got really worried when he almost got murdered by the Crimson Horns, and decided to keep an eye on him and his clinic.

HRID RAII: Hrid is Pelle's friend. She met him when she worked for the Crimson Horns and kept contact with him after he defused them. She works with him as a mortician, a hitman and sometimes an informator, as she goes along very well with the rest of the troup. She likes Hrid very much, finding him funny and lovable. She greets him whenever she encounters him and likes to talk to him about anything. When they work, she avoids being directly involved in what he is doing, especially when it comes to Crimson Horns, but gladly offers her help if she observes he really needs to.

SERGUEI: Serguei is Pelle's acquaintance. They really get along well and act very buddy-buddy with each other. Serguei finds her funny and interesting, and easily plays with her, which makes her really happy. He loves to listen to her, and considers her like a cute child. 

EAMON CEMENSTONE: Eamon is Pelle's friend. They got introduced through Hrid. Pelle and he, despite having quite a very different personality, get along well and sometimes spend time together. They count on each other when it comes to work, especially about gathering and sharing info together.

WOLFGANG AYMR: Wolfgang is Pelle's friend. They got introduced through Greta. She gets along with him quite well, joking around and hugging him at times. She values his life due to the fact he is precious to Peterson. They recently started to work together as colleagues.

ARCUS SEMEMBURG: Arcus is Pelle's friend. With their easygoing personality, they get along very well and tend to tease each other a lot. They are always acting childish together.

HAMON CROBAC: Hamon is Pelle's student. Their relationship has always been one-sided since Pelle has no interest in the boy, while he admired her and saw her as a model. She accepted to teach him the work of a mortician only due to Greta's request. After she rejected Hamon's confession, they oddly grew closer and managed to work better together. Nowadays, they get along somehow well and they know they can count on each other when it comes to mortician work.

SASUKE CROWLER: Sasuke is Pelle's acquaintance. She strongly dislikes him and his behavior in general, but by respect towards Peterson, she does not dare to do anything to him and tends to avoid him. She was overjoyed by his death, which she thought was well deserved for all the crimes and bad things he did in his life, but respected Peterson's mourning over him.