


3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info



Known As

Steppes Eagle


July 10th




1,85 m


Warm grey








Arm in orbit


" World is only decline and misery. We will all die with our misfortune. So, let's try to disappear with joy ! " 

Serguei is a mutant living in the Trash zone and a mercenary.

Personnality :

Serguei is a smiling, light-hearted and malicious young man.

He appears to be always smiling in every situation, always taking everything lightly and laughing it off. He's dynamic and have sometimes useless moves. He likes to tease people and gets along with them easily. Befriending strangers is quite natural to him. He is observed to love danger and risky challenges, no matter what the result would be. He tends to purposively create adrenaline to enjoy it.

He's really good at adapting himself to the others' personalities and following the motion in order to fit in. He is able to overcome shame and to give up on his pride if needed, letting the others humiliate or hit him if that allows him to do what he had planned. He has a great sense of self-mockery and doesn't mind if people make fun of him, but doesn't feel so good when he is heavily teased on his mutation. He is a very effective informator thanks to his ability of fitting in, quickly gaining the others' trust.

When things are getting tense, Serguei is able to remain calm and collected. He can get provocative very easily if annoyed, although he is still smiling. He is able to analyse situations very quickly in order to react fast and gather the most important informations when things happen.

He is shown to believe in God and does not want to commit suicide because of this faith. When he gets moody and tense, he tends to laugh it off or to try to distract himself from thinking about it, like going out downtown or drinking alcohol.

When it comes to love and romance, Serguei is very picky and is only interested in women he can't have or he has to struggle with to have them. He doesn't like clingy women who lick his boots nor harsh and rude ones. He would rather a rivalry-like love-hate relationship with a woman, as he loves picking on challenges.

When Serguei is furious, he's unable to correctly think. He can so become very violent and agressive, guided by his rage. He can also say incoherent sentences, and none can reason him or calm him down. He settles down when the subject of his anger is resolved or if time passed. His " crisises" never last more than few hours. 

Facts about him :

  • He loves children and is loved by them. 
  • He feels uncomfortable about familial love.
  • He has some soldier reflexes. 
  • He has a really good space memory. 
  • He has impressive skills for draw maps. 
  • He has fondness for spicy food.

Background :

Serguei's background is a huge mystery he's not talking about. He just says he was a soldier before, but had to leave due to his mutation who revealed during his service. He joined some years ago Crimson Horns, but after Crimson Horns' slaughter, he decided to not join the new born group. Nevertheless, he stayed in contact with their new members. 

Relationships :

Wolfgang Aymr : Wolfgang is a Serguei's long time friend. They get along very well and are kind of complicit. They don't see every day but their salutations are always warm and tactile, hugging and laughing together. They frequently think the same thing, and understand the other, only by looking at him. They only talk by calling card for to ask to see the other. Serguei loves to nickname Wolfgang, to tease him and to squabble with him. 

Hamon Crobac : Hamon is Serguei's acquintance. He has a correct relationship with him. Serguei doesn't talk to him very much, but is kind of amused by his personnality. 

Pelle Landmer : Pelle is Serguei's acquintance. They really get well along. Serguei finds her funny and interesting, and easily plays with her. He loves to listen to her, and considers her like a cute child. 

Eamon Cemenstone : Eamon is Serguei's acquintance. Serguei likes to talk with him, sharing a similar vision of the world. He talks with him about their situations and does small kiddings with him. He often gives him advices and his point of view, for help him to improve his capacities. He also wanders with him a lot into the town, for to do a walk or just find interesting places or informations. 

Eios Elmore : Eios is Serguei's acquintance. He considers him like trustworthy, talking with him of work, or joking with him. He considers him like a little brother, and feels close to him and agrees with him about the society rejecting them. 

Kinka Krecier : Kinka is Serguei's colleague. At their first meeting, Serguei didn't really had interest into her. But he quickly changed his mind, and became amused by her character. He appreciates her company, and loves to tease her, provoke her or makes ambiguous innuendos. He has the ritual to go to meet her one night on two at 3 A.M, and is kind of delighted of this habit. He also loves to hide his relationship with her to the others gang members, giving him adrenalin and finding it exciting. The fact she's an informator like him amuses him, and creates in his mind some rivalry feelings, motivating him to be better than her. Despite this, he progrevissly got attracted by her, and began to strongly crush on her. When he's with her and some other peoples, he's indifferent to her, and is polite with her, like an acquaintance. 

Hrid Raii : Hrid is Serguei's old acquintance. They met when the Crimson Horns group was still active. They have very good relationships, and get along very well, despite not having same opinions. They don't see very often but they still stay in contact. 

Soizic Spencers : Soizic is Serguei's old acquintance. They met when the Crimson Horns group was still active. They get along very well, having the same laughing personnality. They sometimes flirt when they meet, but nothing serious. They don't see very often but they still stay in contact. 

Mahaut Rindoh : Mahaut is Serguei's old acquintance. They met when the Crimson Horns group was still active. They don't really get along, due to their too much opposite personnality, and Mahaut avoiding him. Despite this, they still know each other's value.