


3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info








Pure human turned Demon


Student | Illegal street racer


Remi was born in the Human kingdom to, you guessed it, human parents! He lived an average life, but could never satiate his desire for adrenaline. Eventually, he learned of cars from humans who ventured out or came to the Human kingdom from Luz. This prompted his curiosity in Luz which ended in him running away there, and starting a new life on his own.

Not having nearly enough money to exist in Luz he turned to some shady dealings to start to stock pile money. Once he had enough money for a Car, he bought his first car, a Camaro. From there he continued to do some dealings to buy car parts to join the racing scene.

Once his car was fit to participate, he dropped the shady dealings all together and began to race to earn his next meal. During his races he was noticed by a parts seller named Clyde who recruited him to promote his store and gave him illegal military grade parts to put on his car. It wasn't until later he learned these parts were from Amosis but he honestly didn't care either.

Now that his life was more stable, he was sent back to school by Clyde to get an education while continuing his racing career in the evenings.


Human kid runs away from the human kingdom becomes a racer and gets a adopted by guy in a shady business. Shady dealings get the mafia involved, he gets hurt from it and a demon takes advantage of this putting him in a pact. He is then forced to become a serial killer to satisfy the demons needs.


More recent info:

Remi had continued racing, but his guardian Clyde decided to make a deal with the Luz Mafia not knowing what it'd cost him overall. at first the deal seemed normal until the Mafia started to demand more and more from Clyde and take over more aspects of his business. Because of this Remi saw Clyde less and less and unknown to him, Clyde had been threatened with Remis life before. Because of this Clyde usually stayed away to try to lower the threat to Remi's life.  As the demand grew if The boss wasn't satisfied there would be grave consequences, once such occurrence ended in Remi getting nearly killed as punishment.

During this time Remi was bed-ridden and usually drugged up to try to lessen his pain though it made him very incoherent. Jackster then took this chance to pull someone else into a pact with him and went to Remi when he was alone at home, drugged up and as incoherent as ever. He Offered Remi a chance to get stronger and made a pact with him, though Remi changed his mind before the mark was place on his wrist, Jackster kept him there and completed the pact. He then left shortly after and Remi began to recover a lot faster with regenerative abilities gained from the Demon pact. Once he was coherent enough he flipped the heck out, now realizing he was a demon, full on knowing The boss hated Jackster and how he was now affiliated with him. He freaked out, but nothing could be done so he did his best to live life normally. However, that plan was quickly thrown at the window by Jackster deciding he was going to make Remi a serial killer along side him.

Since Jackster and Remi's Pact demon gained power by taking lives, Jackster decided to try to force Remi's hand to having a break in at his house, which didn't go as he planned. Remi retaliated, and caused all his car alarms to go off causing a huge ruckus before getting stabbed by the assailant. After that, he managed to fight them off, and hide inside one of his vehicles while the person fled. Next, Jackster had Aiden Kidnap Remi as a ploy to get some of Clyde's shipments for easy money and to give to his boss Nero . However, while waiting for Clyde to take Action he taunted and harassed Remi with a gun, threatening him with it and scaring him badly. Eventually Remi freaked out enough to fight for the gun and took hold of it, he promptly get on Aiden, sitting on his stomach aiming the gun at his head telling him to surrender or he'd shoot him. Aiden smugly taunted Remi saying he didn't have the guts to do such a thing and it ultimately ended in Remi panicky pressing the trigger shooting Aiden in the head killing him. Seeing the blood splatter and Gore caused Remi to panic and back away, having been the one to kill him, Aidens death made his demon stronger, who then decided it was time to feed. It ripped out of Remi's back causing him to faint from the shock and pain that came with it as the Demon at Aidens corpse, taking his eyes and eating them. Jackster later came having felt the new power surge and took Remi back home and cleaned him up leaving him in bed as if nothing happened.

In the morning, Remi awoke, still reeling at the gore and everything that happened, but waking up at home seemed... too normal and frightened him slightly. He then went to the bathroom to splash water at his face to "wake up from the nightmare" and found that his eyes had changed. He now had Black sclera with red pupils making him appear as a demon, and making him feel less like a human. This new revelation caused him to go to length to hide his eyes from anyone, opting to let his hair down and cover his eyes so that they wouldn't be seen by anyone. He stopped going to school altogether still grappling with the fact he committed murder and that he was now obviously a Demon.

During all this time Remi's self esteem went to an all time low and he felt like a huge bother to everyone and that no one truly liked him. Clyde's visitations were growing more and more scarce and he was hiding away in his home surrounded by his own negative thoughts. He stopped showing up to car meets and races and locked himself away, thinking himself to be a waste of anyone's time. With all his negativity and weirdness Sylldan visited Remi to check up on his friend after hearing of all the things going on in his life. Though Remi mostly avoided him, and any questions he had to ask opting to distract himself by doing basic car maintence and pretending Sylldan wasn't there. In the end Remi gave in, longing for attention from anyone after he locked himself away and sat next to Sylldan and leaned against him, eventually falling asleep. The next morning Sylldan was still there to Remis surprise and they finally talked about what Remi had been going through. They came up with a few solutions but in the end, the best choice was to get Remi to hack off his arm to get rid of the pact on his arm. Remi dis agreed with this notion greatly, saying he needed his arm and that he didn't want a new "fake" one. In the end nothing was accomplished due to Remi's resistance to the idea and Sylldan left after Remi said he'd be okay.

After his talk with Sylldan Remi would finally talk to Clyde and tell him how he'd been feeling about everything. Clyde was left upset with what had been happening and promised Remi to be there for him more in the future. Eventually, the topic of Remi's pact came up along with all his missing school. Remi was sure Clyde would be upset or mad with him but instead Clyde offered him comfort and he gave Remi a device to help him alter his appearance to look human again. With this new Device Remi pushed himself to make life for himself normal again and started going back to school, as well as showing up to car meets and races once more.

However, upon going back to school Remi started to notice his best friend Cilica had been getting recently harassed by an other student. This ended up in Remi getting into a physical fight with this student shortly after going back to school ending in both of them getting suspended for a week due to how out of hand it got. Remi was annoyed with his suspension, but he spent the time asking West to train him to better protect himself in the future. Training was going well and everything was going fine for the time being and Remi had some time to recover and get back on his feet.

On Valentines Remi ended up going out with Hiero and  Tyrus to watch a live sport by his request and he had a great time seeing all the new vehicles the show had to offer. Later that evening Jackster woke Remi up harshly telling him to get up, get ready and to come with him. Remi initially refused adamantly not wanting to go anywhere with Jackster until he threatened his life causing him to come unwillingly. Jackster took him to a strange abandoned looking building where he eventually found the student who had been harassing Cilica tied to a chair. Jackster then handed Remi a knife ordering him to kill him, making the student and Remi freak out. Remi shoved the Knife back at Jackster telling him no, until Jackster once again threatened him with his own life if he didn't kill the student. Remi was still unsure and the student began to tell Remi to kill himself so that he could go free instead. Though he didn't like the comments he was definitely not going to be doing that, and Remi wondered who the hell would even say stuff like that. Eventually Jackster pushed Remi forward and ordered him to do it or else he'd be dead himself. Remi hesitated saying he didn't want to kill him, no matter what kind of person he was. Jackster then began to explain to Remi all the terrible things the student had done, and even had some evidence and proof eventually citing the fact that if they don't kill him, he'll continue hurting others. Remi refused to beleive anything, but with Jackster threatening his life he reluctantly agreed. He tried to raise his knife but was unable to go through with it. To that, Jackster took hold of Remis hand holding the knife and in essence guided him through the killing. Remi stood, watching his hand be moved as the person was killed and did nothing.  After the deed was done and they were for sure dead, he took Remi home and helped him clean up a bit before leaving.

Remi didn't take the death well at all and couldn't sleep for days, stopped going to school again and locked himself away. After a while, Remi was suspected of murdering the student and was extorted by Police into confessing, he resisted and was eventually able to get out after Ace noticed what was going on and contacted his guardian, Clyde. What followed was a media circus with the students rich parents tampering with evidence and the cops admitting to drugging Remi to "confess". Although Remi was obviously guilty, all the evidence tampering ruined the prosecutions case and he was let go. After this Remi decided to keep a low profile and try to devise a way to get out of the pact without getting his arm hacked off.


Currently Remi is to terms with the fact he is a demon now and will likely be one forever. He's started to talk to the Pact Demon itself and is moderately getting along with it. though he hates Jackster he has since decided the pact is good for him as Humans are at the bottom of the food chain here, and he doesn't want to be weak anymore.